
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thank You, 2013.

I certainly had a great response from yesterday's post. THANK YOU to all of you who left a comment, messaged me, ect. It is so heart-warming and humbling to know that you read my posts and are willing to leave notes of encouragement.

I am ready to close the book of 2013. It was a roller coaster of a year. My friend, Anna, told me to check out my "Year In Review" on Facebook today, so I did. I can't believe all of the things I have overcome, the people that have come and gone [and stayed], my transformation physically and emotionally, and best of all having 0 regrets. It's not that my motto is YOLO or that I should live with no regrets, but rather learn and become better from the things I went/go through.

Back to YOU messaging me and leaving comments. I have quite a few of you say how inspired you have been. If you could see me in person now, just imagine me making a slight head bow in gratitude. YOU are one of the reasons I find the goodness in goal-setting and achieving. The world is full of negativity and pessimism and it's a lovely thing to be able to see the good that people do and encouraging is still out there.

You can do anything you want in this world. It will take hard work, but as I told someone yesterday, try to do two things:

  1. Find your "Happy Place" (Mine is on a beach in Bora Bora...or over-looking the Las Vegas Strip) :) & Think happy thoughts! See the opportunity in every SINGLE THING.
  2. It may hurt, burn, or be completely exhausting, but NEVER give up.
While I was talking to Anna today, I realized that I have fallen in love with myself this past year. I never knew this was possible! It is SUCH a great feeling. If you have never fallen in love with yourself, I encourage you to try to find habits and reasons to. An example everyone can take for themselves is "hiding" or deleting negativity on social media. Trust me, logging on to social media and seeing happy posts, photos, articles, ect. is refreshing. VERY refreshing.

So here is to closing this book. And my top moments of 2013. Enjoy! And may you open the next book with positivity and optimism...find opportunity in everything.

1. Traveling to a city I would have never traveled to if it were my choice. Total surprise & I loved it.

2. Meeting and surrounding myself with the right people

3. Spending more time with friends

4. Discovering my love for health and fitness & becoming a fitness instructor

5. Traveling & experiencing life (again)

6. Concerts with my sister

7. Celebrating another year at Race For The Cure

Monday, December 30, 2013

Meet Mr. Collin

One of our more recent [holiday] pictures! :)

Collin wrote the following..."Hello everyone I'm Collin, Mollie's lucky boyfriend. (No, I did not write that...he did! :) ) We met last spring at my nutrition club, Power Full Nutrition. Over the summer, Mollie and I started to get to know each other through our common love for good nutrition and fitness, and our mutual friends Angela and Jason. We went FBO (Facebook Official) about three months ago and she just recently asked me if I would like to be apart of her blog—which I am very honored come on board!

A little back ground on me: I grew up just a stones throw away from Mollie in Lu Verne, Iowa. (We had no idea!) I have always been big into health and nutrition and followed my passion to Iowa State to study and walk on to the track team as a thrower.  To be a division 1 thrower, I needed to gain a lot of weight and gain it fast—I gained 55lbs the first semester of college! After two years of throwing and switching my major three times, I decided I needed a change. That's when I got introduced to Herbalife and over the course of a few months, lost 56lbs.  

I just graduated from Iowa State two weeks ago, and am living my dream of being healthy and helping people reach their health and fitness goals. I am the owner of Power Full Nutrition and am a full time Herbalife Wellness Coach. Now I am in the best shape of my life and have total control of my future."


Collin will be joining my blog writing adventure. We are still organizing what our plan is, but he knows a lot about health and fitness and can help me get points across that I may not completely understand since I didn't go to school for that stuff. Beebs named Collin, "Mr. Collin" and it stuck. She's so proper and respectful!

Along with a couple of my friends, Angela and Diana, Collin has given me that extra push that I needed to reach certain goals. I have been so thankful at how patient he's been with me physically and emotionally...being a girl and lifting weights and focusing on fitness is a real mindset challenge!

To, also, clarify...I didn't realize that "Mr. Collin" liked me until one of our mutual friends was like, "Umm HELLO?! Wake up, he likes you!" And I am thankful every day that we were put in that certain place and time of when we met. He has the best attitude, seeks to understand, is strong and patient, and has a great sense of humor (total plus)! I could go on and on. But you get the point. 

I'm excited that he has agreed to help me with blogging. Feel free to message me any questions or special requests you would like to see on my blog. I'm always open to any subject and (we) will answer them to the best of our knowledge!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

**Holiday Survival Guide!**

That time of year is creeping up on us again. New Years. 2014. Another 365 days.

It's around this time every year that TV shows, radio shows, magazines, ect. stop talking about the hottest gifts and start talking about "New Years Resolutions."

I don't mean this post to end up being a downer or a guilt trip, but I have never met a single person in my life that has stuck with their "New Years Resolution"...I'm not a huge fan of this time of year [for the NY resolutions, that is]. Although, I will be excited to have packed fitness classes...hmmm :)

Props to them for getting in the right frame of mind...for a short amount of time. The thing that makes this a "not-so-exciting" time of year to me...the excuses of why people stop pursuing their resolutions. I'm all about people wanting to be healthier and more fit, don't get me wrong! More power to ya!

But the..."I got busy. I don't have time. I can't do it financially. I'm not seeing any progress. Not this, not that, can't do this, can't do that..." YADA YADA shpeels are exhausting.

Well folks, for one, one is NEVER that "busy"—people just choose to say that because it makes an excuse.

No time? I sacrificed a part time job that paid very well (bartending) to spend more time at the gym. I miss the extra cash coming in, but honestly, my body doesn' appreciates the attention I've paid to it—and the good amount of sleep I've gotten since I stopped staying up until 3AM.

Not seeing progress? Progress takes TIME. That's the thing humans don't think they have anymore. My boyfriend and I were talking over the weekend about how a week is a long amount of time. Seven days of 24 hours...It's how wisely people spend this time! There's a meme floating around out there that says something like it takes four weeks for you to notice change, your friends—eight weeks, and the rest of the world—twelve. STICK WITH IT! Make it a habit or a lifestyle!

I was just talking this morning about how pants I bought in July barely fit me anymore...I had already been down quite a bit then, but now...i'm down even more. I didn't think I could get any more "fit." Since making time for myself, paying attention to my body and what goes in it, and spending all the TIME I could at the gym (plus getting a good amount of sleep each night)—I am stunned at what's happened. I LOVE IT!

Here's what people need to remember during the holiday season...


How many times have you gone back from holidays with a “spare tyre” around your waist? I know I have done it a few times! Words “healthy holiday eating” is something not very often seen in the same sentence. Even though your diet would otherwise be pretty healthy, holidays seem to be a world of their own. When going away from your normal daily routines, it can be excessively difficult to maintain the healthy habits. The most often heard excuse for letting loose on the holiday is that that is the time to really enjoy life and have fun.


It doesn’t have to be like that, though. It’s possible to enjoy holidays AND stay in shape at the same time! What if having fun and enjoying life on a holiday would actually include healthy holiday eating? For the past years, whenever I have been on holiday and travelled to a new place, I frequently put a lot of effort into finding restaurants that serve healthy, organic food in the destination where I’m going. I take healthy holiday eating as a one kind of challenge, I spend time to find those places and give them a try. And boy have I found some great places along the way! I also always take some protein or healthy snack bars, selection of nuts or dried fruit with me to keep energetic day in day out.

Take Action

So, the next time you’re on holiday, take this challenge! Stay active, eat well and stay healthy. Include healthy holiday eating into your agenda and you’ll be rewarded. It is the most amazing feeling to feed your body with nutrient-rich food and to be able to enjoy the holiday to the fullest, without worrying about gaining weight or feeling tired after a bad meal.

I also found this Holiday Survival Guide that could be very helpful reminders of how to avoid holiday weight gain. They're simple steps & you'll feel so much better post-holiday if you stick with them! 

I would love nothing more than to help people better themselves...and a lot of people wait until this time of year to do so...I just don't know of a way to have people actually follow through with their goals [longer than 1–2 or 3 months]. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Secret To Happiness...

How do I play catch up? Is there such a thing? I've spent the last few weeks, since being sick, trying to do such a thing.

Well I could always start about a few things I have been super thankful for...but I'll save that for closer to Christmas and New Years! [It should be a good one!]

But today...taking my mind of my work for a few minutes... I found myself engaged by a collegemate of mine's picture and blog post. Going through classes, I had no idea what this girl had planned post-college. Over holidays, I knew she traveled to Haiti to help in many ways.

I ended up graduating a semester before my classmates, so I didn't keep in touch with any of them [just via FB]. I saw this same girl, that I was talking about above, had officially moved to Haiti to become a missionary when she graduated. I am in awe of her courage, optimism, and integrity. Her blogs are fascinating and give me a good laugh every now and then, and get in touch with my emotions. I just love her story. She is so in love. With life and the plan that has been created for her...including a significant other and a family. Click here to check out her blog!

Below is the photo she posted today with the caption, "The secret to happiness is beach days." ...I am one jealous girl!

Photo credit: Kayla Grooters
I wish her and her family the best. I love their updates! I hope you do too! (Check out ViBella Jewelry, while you're at it!)


While I totally agree with her on this secret to happiness statement, I thought I'd share a few things that are my secret to happiness.

  1. The people I surround myself with.
  2. Nutrition/ me, it works & should be on everyones list!
  3. Gym knew it was coming! I feel so alive when I'm at the gym—especially when teaching fitness classes—the adrenaline of performing in front of participants is awesome!
  4. My career...even though some people think it's a rather unnecessary job, I truly do love being a graphic designer.
  5. Senses...being able to see colors, feel textures, smell smells, and hear noises...don't take those things for granted!
  6. Being able to travel. While I've spent 90% of my traveling in Las Vegas, I enjoy it more every time. I try to find the beauty in each destination—even if I've been there five times! 
  7. Having me would think that this would be considered at the gym. But "me time" includes just being by matter where I'm at. Thinking to myself, doing things by myself, or for's necessary to stay sane as a human!
  8. Dancing! Having rhythm is a GIFT! I could dance to anything! I've had people tell me that dancers are so lucky, especially if this other person has no coordination. And I've seen my fair share of people that lack rhythm or coordination. But, of course, they have something they're good at that I may lack in, too.
  9. Laughing. Simple as that.
  10. Having someone (or someones) to miss. I think people take this for granted. Missing someone is such a special, and sometimes overwhelming, thing. But without it, how do learn to appreciate the presence of another human (or animal for that matter!)? 

Just a girl who didn't understand a lap pulldown... :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Alive & WELL!

Hello all! Wow. I am alive. Thank you, Lord!

Last week was a bit of a roller coaster. I went home late Monday afternoon with strep, to catch you up. I had strep until late Thursday. In the mean time, the "strep throat" part wasn't the biggest of my worries. It was the rash that came with it. My body was covered in red, itchy bumps. They began to travel on my body and get even bigger as they did that.

The rash subsided yesterday (finally). I am happy to say that there is only a little bit left on my arms. Sooooo my point being, go to the doctor if you're feeling sick and take care of yourself! I was lucky to have recovered in the fast amount of time that I did.


Life according to my Instagram...

It has transformed into a health & fitness Instagram. Exciting for me! 

Photos left to right (top to bottom): 
  1. Sam's Club run= LOTS of [healthy] food! Food is fuel, people!
  2. A 4 month progress photo of myself (July–Now)
  3. Mrs. Dash saves the day again! Cut up sweet potato baked at 425* for 40 minutes
  4. My Polar watch. Burned 1,000+ cals on Monday night teaching kickboxing and taking a power tone class.
  5. Beautiful Iowa sunset
  6. My goofy boyfriend...showing me how cool I would look actually flexing vs. how I try to flex (in my tank top)
  7. Protein balls! (Herbalife F1 and PDM with oatmeal and honey!)
  8. Weights. Self explanitory
  9. Quest Bar = AMAZING
  10. My boyfriend and guy friend, Dustin...they get a little excited in Express!

  1. Oatmeal, Almond milk, banana, and chocolate chip pancakes = AMAZING
  2. T-shirt design for the gym I work at and their fitness challenge!
  3. Walk into the gym on the weekend and...IT'S EMPTY!
  4. Flex Till You're Famous – check it out!
  5. Toast with PB2
  6. Fajitas!
  7. Happy birthday, Joshua!
  8. Mirror leg pic! Progress is priceless!
  9. Beautiful Stargazer lilies from the BF.
  10. F1 and PDM and Total Control (metabolism & energy booster)
  11. Perky Paradise (cherry coconut) shake
  12. Reppin' the Underarmor
  13. Another beautiful sunset
  14. Chipotle veggie bowl
  15. A bicep progress picture
  16. Energy boosters after leg day
  17. April to October progress picture
  18. Inspirational quote
  19. My cat...sitting weird :)
  20. Playing CLUE on a Saturday night!
So there's a little catch up on my life! 

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Uncontrollable Setbacks

I can't say this week has been the best experience. I went home Monday around 3pm because I felt exhausted and had a sore throat. With intentions on getting a doctor's appointment the next day, I went to the gym Monday and felt OK. I figured maybe I just caught my infamous cold bug and was seeing signs of that.

Turns out it was strep throat. I went to the doctor Tuesday morning. I have been in and out of hot and cold flashes. My body can't find a happy medium. The second I take a blanket or my sweatshirt off because I'm so hot, I'm freezing. Of course.

I found myself spiraling down a very sad path the last few days. I woke up today feeling a little better and more hopeful. Missing out on the gym has really killed me. Literally! I feel flabby and less energetic (of course).

Throughout this week, I had many different people tell me to eat this or drink that (which all the ideas sounded delicious, but they weren't exactly the most healthy of choices). I can remember times when I was sick with different illnesses and I DID eat food that was healthy or drank drinks that were high in sugar, ect. Sure there was a temptation to make this illness an excuse for me to cheat on my healthy eating and gym habits.

Something told me not to. That it wasn't such a good idea. I remember that I never felt the best coming out of an illness when I did eat comfort food or drank those "comfort" drinks.

I certainly thought I did a splendid job this week sticking with my goals...even with missing my normal gym dates. :(

Monday...I stuck with liquids. Protein shakes and a beverage mix—made by Herbalife. The only thing I ate that was solid that day was toast with PB2. (Because of the uncomfortable sore throat I had.)

Tuesday...the gradual build of this stupid strep throat business...I stuck mostly with liquids due to the fact that I was afraid to even clear my throat or swallow my spit because it hurt so bad. Protein shakes, beverage mixes, and my lovely boyfriend whipped up some PDM (Protein Drink Mix—chocolate) hot chocolate for me. He used the chocolate protein, a little almond milk (unsweetened), and water. It was really good. <----This is the day 1 of a ridiculous temp.

Wednesday...I was feeling "ok". More liquids...protein shake, plenty of water, and tea. The only thing close to "unhealthy" that I let myself eat this week was Chicken Noodle Soup. And was it worth it. The warm broth really comforted my entire body...including my throat. <---- Temp 2 showed up shortly after eating the soup.

Thursday...the peak of my strep throat's rash. Now, if you've never seen or had this before, Google strep throat symptoms or even Scarlet fever rash. That will sum it up for you. My throat felt much better, I could tell there was still a little bit hanging out, but I wasn't miserable. I did feel hot and achey throughout the entire day. Concerned of what the heck was taking over my body (skin). I started the day off with a protein shake, followed by the Beverage Drink Mix, and warm pasta with tomato sauce for lunch, another protein shake, and then grilled chicken, roasted (baby) potatoes sautéed in olive oil, garlic, and parsley, green beans, and carrots. <----Temp 3 was hanging out when I woke up...hence the exhaustion and soreness.

I think that my habits were really put to the test this week. Obviously, I couldn't control the gym because, had I gone to the gym, I would have been weak, possibly gotten someone else sick, or caused the rash to flare. That was a tough setback to overcome, but I'm hoping that it will inspire more determination when I do get back at it.

As far as food habits, I think I did fairly well. Plenty of protein and the things my body probably lacked and needed to keep running.

I feel good today. If you've never had strep throat goodness, I never wish anyone to get it. Thank you for all who had checked in on me, covered my classes at the gym, and gave me any helpful advice.

I look forward to "getting after it" hopefully this weekend in the gym. I won't overdue it, don't worry. But I do need to get a good, thorough workout in—as much as my body will let me. Don't let setbacks turn into excuses for you to ignore or push over your healthy habits.

Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Life Is Crazy.

Life is happening. It's unreal to me to think where I was a year ago. Even two years ago (getting ready to graduate college.)

I found college to be one of the best things that had ever happened to me. I learned so much. Rather than living at home and taking my time to decide what I wanted to do, I pushed myself to move into an environment of constant change—college. I'm thankful that my family supported me through this...they actually encouraged it. I wouldn't have learned some of the most important lessons that I did had I done otherwise. I stare at the $25,000+ piece of paper I own quite often. Thinking about all of the tests, projects, people I met, professors I had, tears I cried, cut fingers from the X-acto knives, scholarships I worked for, papers I wrote, the many times I questioned why I was putting myself through so much stuff, ect.

I'm currently reading a book. A personal development book called, God's Going To Make You Laugh. Whether you have strong faith, somewhere in the middle, or are unsure...this book nails it on the head. You could almost overlook the faith part if you really wanted relates so much to oneself in so many ways. There has been one paragraph particularly, that I have far. Here's what it says,

"Experience is not what happens to you. It is about what you do with what happens to you. 

Experience creates a new vocabulary. It's through life's processes that we gather the experience that gives us something to talk about. Take that away and all you have is supposition. Add experience to your life and you have wisdom. Knowledge is power, and that wisdom can only come from experience."

There are plenty of times that I question why I did or do the things I do, or why I didn't. Put myself through certain things or situations, or even other people. There is a reason...there always is. 

What if I had decided to take a semester off from school? What if I wouldn't have stayed up until 4am after I graduated college, looking for jobs, and missed the opportunity to apply for the job I currently have? What if I would have went to bed as soon as I got off work that night? Or went to the bar instead of digging deep into the graphic design positions that were open throughout Iowa? It's so crazy to think many What if  moments that I could think about. But because I made one "small" decision...a snowball or domino effect happened. And I'm ever thankful for that. 

I wouldn't live in Ames. I wouldn't be a group fitness instructor. I wouldn't know my friends here. I wouldn't have ever met my boyfriend. I wouldn't have Beebs. 

Have you ever thought about the slightest decision you made that turned into something great? How seconds or a simple decision could have rerouted the way things turned out?

It's simple. Don't dwell on the negative or bad things that happen to you or that you experience. It's not worth it to do that. You're wasting your time. It's teaching you a lesson...learn from it and gain that knowledge & experience. You will become more successful the more you do that. 

Life is crazy.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Ah wow...I'm coming off a pretty eventful weekend!

Friday night was spent giggling and reminiscing with my sister and Angie.

**Side note...I am very thankful for the amount of time I get to spend with my sister. I probably annoy her the most, but she always has my back. I've made some pretty silly decisions, which she stood behind all the way. I'm very fortunate to have such a good relationship with her. We can definitely throw down a fight, but she makes me laugh more than anyone I know. I'm also very lucky that her friend, Angie, has taken me in as a sister too. They're are a great duo and know how to have a good time. Thank you, thank you—love you both mucho!**

We went for dinner and then....


I don't care who you are...if you're a fan of P!nk or you would rather watch paint dry—this gal and her crew put on one heck of a show and deserve a standing ovation. I was mesmerized the entire time. I don't know if I blinked or took anything short of a mini breath the entire show. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that that's when I'm actually paying attention—eyes wide, still, jaw on the floor [or close to]. When I'm fidgety and looking around is when you might have to pull me back into what's happening. The energy, dancing, acrobatics were just phenomenal. I have only been to a hand full of concerts...but I must say, this one tops the list...pushing past Eric Church, The Black Eyed Peas, Eli Young Band, Rascal Flatts, Macklemore (sorry buddy, you're up there though!). 

I have a whole new respect for P!nk. She is amazing and I would be proud to call her a role model—especially a physically fit role model! I mean...get me that girls workout! [That might include "SOME" acrobatic things...pfft!] 

The finale was AMAZING. She said good night to the audience and there were a few minutes until she reappeared on the stage, with a hoola hoop type thing around her waist. is what that was for...amazing...seriously.

**Warning! This video is a little turn off/down your volume until you get it to a tolerable amount**

So basically, if you can't tell because of the pixelation...shes flying around the arena and flipping and singing and waving...she's multi multi multi tasking! Wowza! I don't know how she doesn't get dizzy...Touché P!nk! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Macklemore & This Place I Call Home

So here we go...the 1st of November and I have yet to write new goals for the month. [I'll get right on that.] 

Wednesday night I attended the Macklemore & Ryan Lewis concert. First off, can I just say how awesome Macklemore is? I've been to my fair share of concerts, but there was something different about this one. Perhaps his message? Maybe it's that my sister and I are convinced that he is a long lost sibling of ours? 

In all honesty, it was his presence and the connection he had with the audience. I picked up on it the second he spoke into his mic. The man has skills. He drew us in right away. He spoke of his struggles in the past and how he found a way out...

Scroll down to 'Personal Life' to get more details. I respect the guy for simply trying to better himself. I feel like a lot of today's music is lyrics bragging about how much drugs and alcohol the artist consumes. Almost making it sound like it's a way of life...for them, yeah, it is. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Anyways, my point here is that not all musicians are out for fame. I'm certain Mr. Ben Haggerty enjoys it, but his music has a purpose. Hats off to him. 

I am in LOVE with this picture. I think I just got lucky, but hey, I had good timing!

The other thing I realized while at this concert is something I am thankful for...I am thankful that I live in Iowa. Don't roll your eyes. I'm serious. There were many times in my life that I wanted to live elsewhere. And I'm sure I would do well elsewhere. Every concert I've been to [including Kathy Griffin], they have always complimented Iowa(ans). 

I travel often...[it seems like.] Orlando, Clearwater Beach, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Key West, Cozumel, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver/Colorado Springs...wherever I may be...If I'm sporting something from Iowa, it ALWAYS sparks a conversation with a stranger. I have yet to hear a bad response to my IOWA attire. I've been complimented time and time again...The most common compliment being that midwesterners (Iowans) are patient and kind. Well duh Mr. West learn to have patience when you have to follow a tractor during Harvest for miles on a side road. 

Take this last trip to Vegas for instance. I was wearing my U of I shirt (which one?! haha) and went on a hunt for some breakfast. I had 3 people high five me, saying something like go Hawks, ect. Even a guy wearing an ISU shirt pointed at me and said, "What's up Iowa?!" While we stood in line to go through security at the airport, my friend was wearing an IOWA sweatshirt and one of the guards asked how many people that she knew worked at John Deere. Or our day at the pool, it must've been when we showed our IDs...Iowa was a hot topic at most of the bars during our entire trip. 

It's so cool to be from somewhere that we get to experience all sorts of weather. Trust me, I am a summer girl. I love hot weather, bring it on. But I would most definitely miss the snow if I lived in the South or the West coast. I like to look at it this way...Iowans (midwesterners) experience chilly weather a good chunk of the year. So we learn to appreciate a fun vaca destination like Mexico in February, Orlando in December, or we appreciate when the warm weather shows up in April. 

There's another thing I've learned to appreciate being from Iowa. Color. Iowa is so colorful. Green mostly, but the transition in between seasons is incredible. Go for a walk this weekend, you'll get what I'm saying. When I was in Vegas in August of 2011, we ventured to the Hoover Dam. On the way out...everything was brown...yards, houses, where Iowa's "fields" would be...It was so dull. Of course, until the Vegas Strip's lights come on at all seems really uncolorful [I might have made that up?]. 

Someone once stopped me in the middle of complaining about where I was from and told me to, "learn to appreciate where you are from." I did just that. I can't pin point when exactly this happened, but I know that it opened my mind to all of the great things about this place I call home instead of the things I didn't like. 

Seriously...go for a walk this weekend. :)

The trees outside of my apartment :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

3 Reasons Why You Should LOVE Cardio

I have been keeping up with a nutrition, fitness, and beauty blog called Discover Good
I came across this post this morning and thought it suited me very well (I love cardio!). It makes for a good read to anyone who questions their like for cardio or that may need some ways to spark seeing the positives of a cardio workout. Enjoy!


It’s so common to think about what being fit looks like on the outside of your body. The external changes that come as a result of increased physical activity are often the greatest motivational factor that gets people moving. People want to see the results of their hard work on the scale and in the mirror. The thought of a slimmer waist or leaner legs will often get people up off the couch and into the gym, but what if I told you that the true beauty and benefits that fitness provides lie far beneath the surface?
I have a new favorite saying; “get fit from the inside out”. I have said before that external changes in the body happen slowly, while internal changes start happening as soon as you begin effectively exercising. Once you understand that the internal impact of exercise is far more important than any external satisfaction, you will never skip your workout again. 

What happens on the inside when you exercise?

Cardiorespiratory exercise (also known as “cardio”) is simply the term used to describe exercise that works your heart and circulatory system. This system has to work all day every day in order to keep us alive. I describe cardio exercise simply as movement that makes this system work harder. Exercises like running, cycling, and swimming are all great examples of cardio exercises. (OR KICKBOXING...what's up?!) 
In my opinion, cardio should be re-named ‘heart strength training’ because your heart is a muscle (cardiac) and exercise helps to improve your heart’s blood pumping capabilities.  Your heart beats on average 100,000 times a day sending over 2,000 gallons of blood around your body. Every time you increase your heart rate during prolonged cardio exercise your heart has to pump blood at a faster rate.
Let me share with you a few of the great internal benefits that cardio exercise provides.

Three incredible benefits of cardio training

Cardio training benefit 1:  Lower resting heart rate

Your heart has to work harder during exercise and pump blood around your body at a faster rate, so your heart becomes increasingly efficient at pumping blood. This can make your everyday activities seem easier over time. Essentially your heart has to work less to sustain your everyday activities. You can often see this change as a reduced resting heart rate.

Cardio training benefit 2:  Weight loss

When you increase your activity level with cardio exercise your body has to burn extra fuel in order to meet this increased need for energy. Stored fat is the primary fuel source for prolonged cardio exercise. This increased energy expenditure combined with a reduced caloric intake can lead to significant weight loss.

Cardio training benefit 3:  Reduced stress

Cardio exercise promotes the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. This function is often referred to as a ‘runner’s high’ but playing tennis or a simple walk can contribute to this same feeling.
I view cardio exercise as meditation in motion. I often find that once I get moving I forget about the day’s irritations and concentrate instead on my body’s movements. If you aren’t quite convinced that you can make time for a cardio workout – despite the health benefits – then find out how to keep cardio interesting in my 3 surefire cardio-workout boredom busters article.
There are so many reasons you should add a little cardio into your current routine, the most important one being that it’s good for your heart! If you love someone consider inviting him or her to do some cardio with you so they can experience the great heart health benefits too.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

A lot of my changes/progress has come/came from a cardio habit. I am in love with cardio. I don't think I could go without it. I do change it up every now and then, but my cardio habit(s) consist of :

1. Kickboxing (twice a week)
2. Tabatas! (I incorporate these into my kickboxing classes often)
3. Running
4. Walking 

Whether it's trying one of the above, biking, taking the stairs, heading to the pool (indoor now-a-days of course) get some cardio into your workout! It's so beneficial! :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

All That PINK!

And here it is folks...the blog many of you have been waiting for!

I was so happy and grateful to receive many messages and encouraging emails and notes referring to my Year 4 and Pink posts/blogs. You guys rock!

My mom's coworkers! 

Goofy shot while sporting PINK!

My sister's coworkers!

My sister's coworkers taking advantage of a nice day while sporting PINK!

My sister's coworkers again...I appreciate the PINK cup Jessie! :)
Then there's this guy...My boyfriend, should have seen
the other picture he sent me of him wearing pink...What a gem! :)

My good friend, Angela! She took a trip to a snowy place over the weekend to show off her PINK. :) (Just kidding, but she still wears pink a lot!)
Lindi's Ladies! A group (including my DT head coach, Ann) celebrating the life of their good friend Lindi

Team shirts don't always have to be PINK oriented...they dressed theirs up with PINK accessories! :)
Debbie's Dudes & Divas...a friend of my mom, and her family, celebrating Debbie's fight and win over breast cancer! Also, a great family tradition for them to participate in the Race for the Cure.

Get your mammograms, gals!
A collage of the group!

Our traditional Moscow Mule toast to kicking cancer's ***! :)

Me, my ma, and sister pre-race!


Waiting for the race to start!

Traditional Scratch cupcakes! [Wedding day to be exact]

Finish line. The little booger next to me was fast! We raced the entire time! I guess I can't complain, he was good motivation to keep me going. So THANKS super fast little kid! :)
Needless to say, it was a great year. I finished in a good amount of time...not as fast as my last 5K, but very close...I should be grateful...I hadn't trained much this time around. The food, stories, jokes, ect...were all amazing. I loved spending time with my family. I even bought a chair to go in my living's leopard [you shouldn't be surprised]! ((Pics to come))

About halfway through the race, I just felt like I was crawling...going so slow. I think, ultimately, it was a "HEY, PAY ATTENTION" moment. My mind felt like it was at the back of the race...Until I looked up... ((the route goes in a big loop, you're still seeing people going the opposite direction)) When I looked up...I saw nothing but pink, or a complimentary color to pink (black, white, gray, ect.), on the road that I had already covered. It was amazing. Thousands and thousands of people come to support this fight and volunteer in many ways, and I found myself in the middle of all of this. 

I took my "fancy" camera down with me and got a couple of great shots. Look for them in the future.

I also just wanted to wish everyone a....