
Friday, May 3, 2013

Designer By Day...

Every Thursday night I attend a kickboxing class at Ames Racquet & Fitness.

I remember about a year ago, when I first moved to Ames, I attended this class. difficult for me. I gave up after one class and stuck to my ONE cardio class on Mondays. I don't know what got me back, but ever since...last fall, I am obsessed with kickboxing.

I have never taken such I couldn't really tell ya if it's the kickboxing that kills me or the instructor + her format. Either way, hats off!

The instructor is, sadly, leaving this summer in June. I have gotten to know her in the last few months and will be bummed to see her go. Probably a month or so ago, we were sitting outside the class and I joked about how the regulars should get to meet the candidates for her position and choose who we like. She then mentioned to me that I should look into teaching and thought I'd be great at it.

Listen here, the only thing I've ever taught is CPR and lifeguarding...from a book. I sweat and get flustered when it's anything else in a group of 10+. I've gone back and forth about doing this. What will it take? Am I in that good of shape for people to follow my lead? Will I know what steps to do? Will people come and like me and the class? So many thoughts...but...I guess if I can teach people how to save lives, I could probably tell someone to punch and kick, eh?

Last week, the instructor introduced me to the "chief" of the group fitness classes. The gal seemed a little exhausted (weren't we all?!) since we just got done with kickboxing. So I wasn't sure if it was the right time. But apparently it was...because she e-mailed me yesterday to ask if I was really wanting to pursue this.

So this is happening...I am becoming a fitness instructor (starting with kickboxing...and going from there)! Designer by day...Fitness instructor by night.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Soo excited! I will totally work your kickboxing class into my workout schedule! :)
