
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This Monsoon Weather

How about the lovely weather today, Iowans? 


Hopefully you're all getting work done, reading a good book, or Pinteresting! 

I am attempting to get some work done...and Pinteresting in between! Shh!

Here are some things that make me think positive thoughts (about Summer) during monsoon-like weather we keep getting around here...I sort of feel like I'm in the scene in Jumanji where the monsoon happens...minus the alligator. That would just be flat out scary!

This place & a book during the day or a blanket & a telescope on a clear night...oh yes!

Strawberry Marg Shots?! YES, please!

Cute DIY jewelry organization idea. Super glue a cup and saucer together...

A good laugh: The two natural reactions to seeing a dinosaur.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Daily Routine

Daily routines...we all have them...or should I say..."we all have one." I've had a few people ask me what I have changed about my routine in the last couple months...

Well here's the secret...

I stopped eating crap. All my life, I firmly believed in the statement "you can eat whatever you want as long as you work out."

YEAH...NO. That's a lie. I busted my arse at the gym and ate, basically, whatever I wanted. I didn't even eat a lot, just ate the wrong things. Which caught up to me. Now, this doesn't happen to everyone (lucky ducks!)...but even if you're not putting on weight and eating these things, it's still not beneficial in any way to you internally.

I never realized how awful things like crackers, cheese, a diet soda here and there, and certain "fast foods" really were...I mean, I have somewhat of an idea, but I figured, in moderation, I could let myself have these foods.

A friend of mine showed me an app that I could put on my phone to scan barcodes of foods/drinks to see their ratings. If they're healthy or not with a grading scale of A–F. Some things you think are healthy really don't have a good grade. Just don't scan mint Oreos...consider yourself warned!
It's called Fooducate:

So with that, here's my (average) daily routine...

*The night before: pack my herbal tea (in my shaker), pack healthy snacks: veggies, string cheese, whole wheat crackers, Greek yogurt *with dry ranch packet of course*, ect.

Prep is a huge thing for anyone looking to better their eating habits. I have a few friends that have a full day of prep on Sundays for their food for the week. Smart. Doesn't seem like my forte, yet. The night before will do for me thus far.

1. Up at 6am/shower/get ready
2. Make a protein shake (Herbalife) these range from 220–300 calories and 10–15g of protein
3. Usually I have my herbal tea with the shake (Russian tea) *see attached recipe* IT'S DELICIOUS! This basically helps burn cals & gives one energy. *The NRG and Original tea are Herbalife brand* 

Also, this recipe makes a batch. So leave it in a container (dry) and then add a tsp./8oz of water when you want a drink!

4. Work!
5. Small snack at 10ish...Wheat Thins, string cheese, peach mango drink mix from Herbalife, or veggies
6. Lunch at 12/1pm...This is probably my "worst" meal of the day. This usually ranges from pasta, a sandwich, grilled chicken breast, or a salad. My "carb load" of the day.
7. Snack again at 2/3pm—varies from the list above.
8. Hit the gym at 5–7pm. I have cardio drill on Mondays, a group lifting class and Heat (high intensity cardio) on Tuesdays, maybe my own work out, otherwise an "off" day on Wednesdays, and group lifting and kickboxing on Thursdays. Friday–Sunday usually depends on what my plans are for the weekend.
*Each of the classes above includes an ab that's where those go!
9. Shower & shake time around 6:30–7:30pm {by this time, I am tired and will be full after my shake!} Again, drinking the herbal tea with my shake.
10. An early (ish) bed time! This is more important that one would think...get plenty of sleep!

I have felt really good the last few weeks on this plan. There are still some things I need to cut out of my diet and unhealthy habits. But I am starting to see results, so I can't complain.

When it comes to the gym, I really think that incorporating some form of weights is very important. Even if it's abs with a medicine ball, body squats with light (dumbbells) weights, or even using bands that the gym should supply for resistance. Weights aren't really for me, but 2.5–10lbs added to a certain workout is really beneficial.

Yummy tea!
There's my "two sense"/ daily routine.

I have really come a long ways as far as control. With my parents owning a bar, I have access to every fried food and pizza you could imagine. Before I have to work, I go to the grocery store and pick up some fruit (apples, watermelon, strawberries), my own chicken breast, string cheese, or lettuce for a salad. This is very helpful when I suddenly have the urge to eat. Then I stay away from the fried foods! (Although, they are delicious...and don't get me mouth waters at the sight of them.) But I have taught myself how to say "no."

I had a great weekend, I hope you did too! Hopefully the week will fly by since it's already Tuesday!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

The Annual Luminaria Tribute in Fredericksburg, VA

This is the 2nd largest military park in the world. Located on the Civil War Confederate stronghold known as Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 15,000 US soldiers, mostly Union soldiers who died in Fredericksburg area battles and camps. In addition, there are graves of close to 100 20th century veterans and a few spouses.

Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday which occurs every year on the final Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.
Many people visit cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries.

So...don't just think of it as your "3–4 day weekend."

Thursday, May 23, 2013


P.S. readers! 

My mother and Betty are selling these spool clocks! Contact me for more information! :) Love them...

You can customize any color, pattern, numbers, act!
Or leave it vintage looking!

Serious Writer's Block

 I'm slacking on the posts. I feel like one post per week states that.

I am having serious "writer's block." 

Check out the table printables that I made! I totally stole the wording from Pinterest...don't give me that much credit! :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Someone tell Ellen!

…that I want to be her friend! I never get home in time or often enough to catch Ellen at 4pm (Central time). It’s a little depressing since she makes me laugh and smile for an hour straight. When I do catch her show, I enter every stinkin’ contest she has. Recently, or like 2 months ago, was when she was giving a trip away to Australia. Duh. I want to go to Australia with Ellen! Of course you can imagine my sadness when I didn’t receive a call saying I won.

Or a month or so prior to that, I tweeted a picture of my catch yawning and stated something about her laughing at a joke. Only to not hear anything back…maybe because my profile is locked and no one can re-tweet me? UGH!

Dang it…I can’t sing, so I won’t Nicki Minaj my way onto her show…I didn’t invent anything cool…yet. Or burn my hair off in a “How to” YouTube video. Would someone let the lady know that I like to dance?!

Or tell her to hire me as the person that finds those funny autocorrect texts. I could sit for a whole day straight reading those…they make me “LOL” in my quiet office, which causes people to ask questions and I have to answer…(bluntly) “I’m off task, again.” At least I would be good at it, right?

I just want to meet the lady once…or work for her in some way. I mean…there’s probably not that many people that would want to, right? 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Knock Off Decor!

So I feel like I should just have a buyer for my clothes and home decor every other month...just to buy the lot and then go sell or keep it themselves. Seems legit.

I go to my closet to get rid of these clothes and then I'm like, "Ohhh...what if I lose or gain weight...I'll need that" or "I'll wear that! Why haven't I worn that in forever?! It's cute...I'm keeping it...I'll wear it!" Do you do this? I feel like it's some sort of "illness" I have acquired. An incurable illness. BUT...there are some things I have let go. Mostly T's and things that aren't so "dressy." If anyone has any good tactics or ways of going about doing this...please, let a girl know! And, I do know about the turning your hangers a certain way when you have or haven't worn the item.

So my mom sent me this link to this website...lots of cute "knock off" projects and ideas. The tabs at the top are different stores or brands of products that are way too overpriced for how cheap you can get them by doing it yourself. I know that thrifting and refurbishing have become really popular since the BOOM of Pinterest...I totally respect and praise thee, whoever ye be!

Knock Off Decor

Like...have you ever been to a Crate & Barrel,  Pottery Barn, or West Elm? I love their all of it....I would love to have and own every single piece (esp. from PB), and it might be my young age...but this sh*t is seriously overpriced. Especially the smaller things like plates, lanterns, lamps, holiday decor, picture frames, ect. I get that they need to make a profit...I totally get it. Maybe they're trying to target a much more..."sophisticated" audience. Hmpf, if they are! I can find the same darn plane white plates and bowls at Target for way cheaper!

I don't mean to complain throughout this entire post...But what I am trying to say is that doing it yourself is more fun. To find things in craft store, thrift shops, auctions, at junk days, garage's cool to say you made it or refurbished it yourself.

My mom has a pretty good knack for stuff like I've blogged about before. My mom and a family friend, Betty, plan to refurbish chairs, tables, ect. this summer and head to a flea market or craft fair or two in the late summer/Fall. When they go up to the lake for the weekend, there is usually garage sales that they hit up and a couple weeks ago was junk days in a town close by. They found an old wooden spool (or a few?) and they got so excited they decided to try one is the outcome (I think it's pretty darn cool)...

A clock! (This is Betty, btw!)
My mom has refurbished a couple things for me that I have in my apartment. An ottoman that used to be an ugly red (p)leather, an ugly round wooden table is now white in my bedroom...she's in the works of a few other things. I'll try to get some pictures soon! personal favorite and SO simple project on the website this one!

I LOVE beachy things...I need to get on the ball about decorating a certain room or my whole apartment beachy. If only I lived by a beach! This project is cake...

  1. Go to Hob Lob...get some star fish...if they're not a certain color you want—spray paint them.
  2. Clip could probably get those at Hob Lob, also. (Paint it a certain color if you don't have paper or a picture to cover the brown.)
  3. Good pictures of sea creatures...print them off and clip them on the board!
  4. Or look for an old ocean oriented picture book and take the pages out
See...simple! Try a DIY day...print off any Pinterest ideas you've been storing and head to the thrift shop and Hob Lob (or JoAnn, if you prefer)!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Summer, A Program, and A Graduation Card

The weather has been wonderful the last couple of days, don't you think? Minus the wind...I think life is pretty good.

I just love Summer. So You Think You Can Dance is one of my top favorite shows, out of my list of like...10490583045, started last night. It's a sure sign that Summer is here! :)

While we're on the topic of Summer...I think I have the programs for the summer wedding I have been designing for ready to go! Here's a sneak peak!

Add caption

I finally decided one day I was just going to sit down and do it. After tons of brainstorming and meshing ideas, I decided to pursue the silhouettes w/text.

I strive to please every client. I mean, duh! :) I want every project to have its own uniqueness. I work to create ideas that are never completely the same in detail. I think it means more to the client. Unless they specify that they want the same design of a previous project (with different names and details of course), we could definitely go that route.

If you or anyone you know ever needs a project done, let them know I am available! Baby showers, weddings, bachelor & bachelorette parties, birthdays, graduations, t-shirts, event flyers, holiday name it, I can do it!

Oh! And I made a simple graduation card for a few people I know graduating this month! :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Lifer

I really struggled to find a topic to elaborate on today. It must be my anticipation of really warm (more like hot) weather, that we're supposed to experience today.

I know that days like today will make me miss being a lifeguard more than ever. I mean, I spent 7 summers/years as a could I not miss it? I was pretty sure, there for a while, that I was going to be a "lifer" lifeguard. Jeesh...I wish...then get promoted to Baywatch in Hawaii or on the west coast?! ...In my dreams.

I spent 5 of the 7 years at the Eagle Grove pool (aquatic center). The "old pool" was in its last season my first year out. It was the biggest pool around...pretty much amazing. And the babies had their own pool off to the side, which was also nice. Then the city built the aquatic center...much baby pool...just a 0 depth entry...Not as fun if you ask me.

I spent 1 summer at the Humboldt Aquatic Center, which was much bigger than the EG plans.

Throughout college I was a lifeguard at the UNI WRC (for 3 1/2 years to be exact) and taught swimming lessons, LGI courses: CPR and certifying people to be lifeguard. I really enjoyed my time there...and miss it mucho. I met a lot, if not most, of my college friends through the WRC. We were a close knit group, whom everyone else in the WRC, except the Fac Mans (Facility Managers—they were also college students that supervised the building when the day staff/head hanchos were gone for the day), thought we were a bunch of hippies.

My last summer as a lifeguard was spent at Lost Island in Waterloo. I really loved this place. The people, the atmosphere...everything. Although...don't be fooled. This job is NOT as easy as it seems. The training is very VERY thorough, the days are long, the breaks are short, and you are down right exhausted when 6:30/7pm hits. I met a lot of really cool people that I will never forget through here. And had a lot of memories that I can look back on. Ex: Tuesday nights were basically "LI Tuesday" at Mojos in CF. I guessed that at least 75% of the people that showed up to the bar on that night were LI guards... Of course, we were careful, and knew if we had to work the next day, not to get out of hand and be responsible. It was just a fun outing. Plus, the people I worked with at this place, really knew how to have a good time. A "Mustacheo Basheo" where you could only enter if you had a mustache on...yes, that includes the ladies. A toga party, Christmas in July party, game name it—these people were creative.

I definitely saw some crazy things happen in my time being a lifeguard. A no, no one ever died on my watch, or even in the same facility. I do miss my whistle and having some form of authority, even if it seemed like I was "fun hater." I think that if it paid enough and was a profession...besides on the coasts...I would definitely pursue this as a career. **Insert line about all my "alter egos"**

What can I say? I think a lot of jobs would be interesting!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Helloooooo Weekend!

Friday, Friday, gettin' down on Friday! Wussup Rebecca Black?!

I am so excited the weekend is here! After this week, it is much needed!

I attempted the gym last night—it went well, don't worry! I was nervous, even though my leg was feeling a little better. I took it easy in my lifting class and went a little more "HAM" in my kickboxing class. I ended up burning 830 cals in a little less than two hours, so I was happy. 
Soooo I guess this is where I say..."you were right" to my friends that told me to stay home and rest!
And a big shout out to the frozen corn in my freezer that was by my side (but really on my leg). 

I have a fun weekend sometime I am going to PFN (Power Full Nutrition—I will be referring it to PFN from now on because I am type-lazy) ;). I am going to get a "body scan"—which measures:

  1. Percentage of Body Fats
  2. Percentage of Water in Your Body (let's face it...I LOVE SALT.)
  3. Muscle Mass
  4. Bone Mass
  5. Visceral Fats (the fats around your vital organs & abdominal area)  <---- ummm...YIKES?!
  6. Basal Metabolic Rate (the calories you burn at rest-vital to help you shape up)
  7. Body Metabolic Age

I'm excited but nervous...I hate knowing the reality of my body. But...I'm sure it's not THAT bad, since I do take care of it for the most part. 

Tonight I will be heading to my sisters in North Liberty for a birthday party. I always enjoy visiting her and my niece, Tweets. Andrea and I call her and Beebs—Tweebs or Beets. :) Clever, huh?

Tomorrow, I am going to take time to myself and rest. My allergies are here because Spring decided to finally show up. I like days when I don't have a single plan.

I assume after my body scan, I will pig out this weekend. Here are a couple of photos that sum it up! :)

PS-this is the ONLY reason I eat this kind of food: chips and salsa! 

Seriously...can never have just one!

We all have those days, right? :) Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All Aboard!

Let's just say today's post has been something I have been putting off...shame on me!

In my home town, there is a bar called Rails Bar and Grill. My dad and step mom own it. I work there when they need me and enjoy it. 

I recreated their menus, inserts about specials, upcoming event flyers, and their Facebook page. A while ago, (this is where the shame on me comes into play) they had asked me to design shirts for them. This was like...back in December. 

I'm just now getting them done. I haven't gotten the official "OK" from my step mom. But I have sent many designs out to different people to get their opinions. 

Here's what we've come up with...

Front corner

Back (The skull from the front is in the "conductors seat" of the train on the can't see him unless you're up close!)

We are attempting to get koozies and ladies tanks, too. 

Overall, I'm very pleased with the design!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Struggle...

If you don't follow me on Twitter or Instagram, then I have a story for youuuu. I feel as if everyone in my family (or a majority) have some sort of injury right now. ...Welcome to the club, Miss McGrath!

I was in my Monday exercise class...Cardio drill...which I had ran 2 miles prior to...towards the last 20 minutes of class we started doing a running tabata.

Before the tabatas, we had done mountain climbers, star jumps, and push ups...I could feel in my hip flexor and quads that something wasn't right. I figured it was just because it was Monday...hadn't worked out since kickboxing on Thursday...well I wanted to get the full effect of this running/shuffling/skipping tabata, so I knew I needed to sprint. My first burst through the room I felt a pop in my left quad and a tug/tighten/pinch in my right.

It was one of those moments where your body goes numb and you can't feel anything but the specific areas pain. I tried to run again, thinking I could run out this "knot." Boy was I wrong...I proceeded to skip and shuffle while my classmates flew by me. These two forms weren't so bad on my quads, but I knew I had done something really wrong.

When we moved to abs, I figured I would just stretch my quads/legs. My left leg, which I'm 95% sure is pulled, was limp—basically. I had to pick it up with my hands. With my hands, seriously? I had only pulled a muscle once before—my left hammy during a dance class my first year of college. I could have thrown up. When you injure yourself, do you feel like you could vom? That's always been what happens to when I got hit with a pool ball during carpet ball right on my elbow in middle school. Instant vom rush.

Anyways...I was pretty upset about what happened. I have come along so well in my work outs with cardio, lifting, stretching, ect. and especially my diet. Taking a day off in my normal routine will drive me completely bonkers and make me feel "fat" after a day or two off. It's just how my body and mind work together. I came across this saying, "The struggle is part of the story."

How true is that? I have to stay positive about this set back! If I sit around and mope or be stubborn, there is no way I will progress in the future or for the future. So when I get somewhere in the long run, I can look back on this and say something like...I overcame these obstacles and be proud of my end result.

I can't wait for that moment...but right now, it sucks. It really sucks!

Do you have any struggles that were part of a success story for you?

Have a great Tuesday, while I limp around with a bag of ice saran wrapped to my leg! :P

Monday, May 6, 2013

It's Time...

So I remember saying something like when the wedding invites were sent out by the couple, I would post them...

So happy Monday to you, here they are!

[Peacock theme wedding invite on white pearlized paper & a purple pearlized card stock back]

[RSVP on white pearlized paper & a purple pearlized card stock back]
These were mailed in purple pearlized envelopes. I'm happy with their turnout!
The programs are still underway...

To be continued...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Designer By Day...

Every Thursday night I attend a kickboxing class at Ames Racquet & Fitness.

I remember about a year ago, when I first moved to Ames, I attended this class. difficult for me. I gave up after one class and stuck to my ONE cardio class on Mondays. I don't know what got me back, but ever since...last fall, I am obsessed with kickboxing.

I have never taken such I couldn't really tell ya if it's the kickboxing that kills me or the instructor + her format. Either way, hats off!

The instructor is, sadly, leaving this summer in June. I have gotten to know her in the last few months and will be bummed to see her go. Probably a month or so ago, we were sitting outside the class and I joked about how the regulars should get to meet the candidates for her position and choose who we like. She then mentioned to me that I should look into teaching and thought I'd be great at it.

Listen here, the only thing I've ever taught is CPR and lifeguarding...from a book. I sweat and get flustered when it's anything else in a group of 10+. I've gone back and forth about doing this. What will it take? Am I in that good of shape for people to follow my lead? Will I know what steps to do? Will people come and like me and the class? So many thoughts...but...I guess if I can teach people how to save lives, I could probably tell someone to punch and kick, eh?

Last week, the instructor introduced me to the "chief" of the group fitness classes. The gal seemed a little exhausted (weren't we all?!) since we just got done with kickboxing. So I wasn't sure if it was the right time. But apparently it was...because she e-mailed me yesterday to ask if I was really wanting to pursue this.

So this is happening...I am becoming a fitness instructor (starting with kickboxing...and going from there)! Designer by day...Fitness instructor by night.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Alter Ego...Sorta

I came up with one more conclusion as of last night...this can be my #10.

I went to a nutrition class guessed it, Power Full Nutrition, last night. One of the people that was attending asked me what I did...we carried on with conversation and found our way back to our occupations. She asked, "If you weren't a graphic designer, what would you want to do?" 

I have been asked this before...another time being in my interview for the job I currently have. Of course, I responded something along the lines of I'm not sure because I really love what I do. After last night...I firmly believe it's okay to answer that question honestly. I mean, I do love what I do, don't get me wrong. (My conscious is saying "THINK OF SOMETHING CREATIVE, MCGRATH!") But let's say the world didn't have graphic designers (yeah right!) or I was forced (LOL!) to change my job...

This was my last thought before closing my eye lids last night...

Ready? Drum roll...


(Deb, you'll like this!) I would totally study or attempt to be a food artist! You probably have seen more food artistry than you think. Food ads, magazines, billboards, menus, ect. Someone actually puts those things together and it's usually not the restaurants chef. 

My friend and coworker (S/O: Sup, Deb?!) works often with food artists (or stylists...whichever your prefer to label them as) more often than I do (actually, a LOT more than I do). If i'm on set, I usually just stand back and watch. It's a cool thing.

These people may have played with their food a little too much when they were younger... But really, it's a gift, if you ask me. Food artistry can range from the Butter Cow at the Iowa State Fair, to sculpting ostrich eggs, noodle/mosaic portraits, party pieces (see below!), and like I said above, creating the pieces you see in photos in menus, ads, and magazines.

You also may not know that these food stylists pay attention to the smallest details...where a piece of cheese is placed, how the light hits a certain kind of meat on a plate, how green the broccoli is in the background, where the fork and knife are placed, what color and type of dish the food will go on or in, ect. My favorite part to tell about this occupation is that they have a ton of tricks and secrets. Check out a Hy-Vee ad...that ice cream? Probably mashed potatoes with food coloring. The meat? Probably cooked (not all the way, either) with a torch. How shiny the meat looks? Probably water sprayed onto it to give it a savory look.

I don't want to give away all the things I know, but doesn't this change your perspective?!

I found this on Pinterest...isn't is cool?!
When I did get to go to photo shoots, there were times when we did get to eat the food. And, yes, it was cooked all the way! :) Here are a few examples of what we got to eat last fall. These are from the Tassel Ridge magazine, Simply Extraordinary.

The food stylist and her understudy (I can't remember what to call it) put these (divine) treats and snacks together. Between the stylists, the photographer, and the designer...they all contributed to the setup of each of the photos. It takes longer than ya think!

There's your food for thought today. (See what I did there?) Have a happy Thursday! And to all you Iowans—stay warm! ;)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


There are many conclusions I've come across the last few days.

  1. Movie theater popcorn almost ALWAYS makes me feel awful inside and out...hours after I've devoured it.
  2. Mark Wahlberg is just flippin sexy (I went to see Pain & Gain last night)...along with Tom Hardy (who isn't in that movie...but it's a toss up for me). I mean...if I could just go on a date (or 100) with one of life would be complete.
  3. Designing wedding programs has been the most difficult task of my wedding package debut.
  4. Why can't I decide between Bodoni and Univers (and yes, it is spelled that way)?!
  5. Star 102.5 is never going to notice my persistency when it comes to "Grand In Your Hand."
  6. Whitening my teeth will never feel good (see ya enamel).
  7. As much as I enjoy my job, this time of year always makes me miss college. I just loved the feeling after finishing finals...having summers off...oh the days.
  8. I think I might be hooked on Power Full Nutrition shakes.
  9. I'm flower deprived. I love to garden...more like plant and take care of flowers. I don't do the veggie gardening stuff...yet.
I only have 9 conclusions instead of 10 because I decided to delete that one...such a touchy subject, I figured I should keep it to myself :)

I decided to post pictures of them clothed...I'll let you decide when the time is right to see them without their shirts on :) 
Happy Wednesday!