Finding time to update you on the holidays was quite a task! Apologies!
I didn't realize I would have so much going on.
Christmas Eve was spent working until 5pm and then heading out to a celebration with Collin. We met up with some friends and enjoyed a few hours of casual convo.
After leaving the party, Collin and I got the idea that "cruising" was definitely a good one! Remember when you would do that in high school? It twas the thing to do! So Ames, on Christmas Eve, is not an eventful time to "cruise." But we made the most of it by checking out holiday lights and walking around Target for some time and walking out with a jar of pickles and salsa........
We opened eachothers gifts and what can I say? My guy knows me so well! :) We really try to go for more practical gifts and then throw in a surprise gift that isn't so practical. These would be things that I really want or like...or need, but don't want to buy myself "just yet." It's awesome to look at how practical varies from person to person!
A new pair of slick CrossFit shoes to kick off 2015 was perfect.
Out with the old, in with the new! Plus, they're my favorite color! GREEN. <3 These were a deadly (steal of a) price that I know was irresistible. Lucky girl!
Out with the old, in with the new! Plus, they're my favorite color! GREEN. <3 These were a deadly (steal of a) price that I know was irresistible. Lucky girl!
And then there was this! While I was gone, in NJ, Collin picked up these gems, hung them, and then "wrapped" them while they hung on the wall for another two weeks. It was hard not to peek, but I was definitely surprised...LOVE! Like, really, he is SO thoughtful! And I am so proud of him for making such awesome use of the conduit!
Christmas day was spent traveling, eating delicious food, and Collin, his mom, and I went to 'Unbroken.'
The story of (olympian) Louis Zamperini during WWII, after a near-fatal plane crash, spending 40 sum odd days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he's caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a POW camp. It was pretty raw, I won't lie, but seriously, one of the best movies of all time! I get a (some-what weird) sense of nostalgia when I see WWII movies. Not that I lived during that time (obviously...maybe?), but I really admired my Grandpa Don and his brother who served in that war. I have always been super interested in that time period. I would give it 5 stars...and I'd go see it again!
The weekend was spent catching up, attempting to regain my endurance at CrossFit, scratching off the scratch tickets (which I won $14.00 with!), and a UNI WRS reunion during the UNI basketball game on Sunday.
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