
Friday, December 19, 2014


Something has completely clicked in my head as of recent. 

It's like my mental/emotional strength has really stepped up its game. 

I feel it, I can see it, I am overly joyed about it. 

While constantly trying to battle image issues, I have found the beauty in my journey physically. And please don't give me the, "oh my gosh, Mollie, you are so ____________." I don't respect the person that comes back saying you're skinny, you're perfect, you're yada yada. Like, no, you don't know, at all. I might be different from you, but I wasn't asking for a pity party. I have goals.

No, I don't look like I did in April when I was rocking a solid 6-pack---1st time ever in my life, but I am stronger now then I was when I had that 6 pack. Do I want it back? Abso-freakin-lutely, but I have other goals to reach before I begin to cut again. Things like: 3 set of 3 reps of 210lb back squat. My 1 rep max is currently at 195 lbs ...Or 1 ring muscle up, 100lb snatch, and consistent butterfly pull ups. 

I have so many things to do! Currently, I'm building. You might also hear this as "bulking" for some people, but I'm not going rogue on my eating habits. That's usually what they're doing. But I'm more so consistently feeding my body of the right things (fruits, veggies, fats, proteins) more often. I have more beige food than an ideal (lean) person might have, but those are easy for me to cut out.

But I am so happy right now. I am surrounded by the people that I know will:
1. push me
2. help me
3. encourage me
and 4. have two hats: a friend hat and a I know you can do better than that (coaching) hat.

I appreciate these people more than I can ever say.

 Big things are coming in 2015 for me. I know it.

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