Okay, first off...my dad pulled me aside the other night as asked me to draw a horse with boots on for a Horseshoe tournament they're having at the bar this weekend...
Here's my outcome...
I sort of think this is hilarious...I had to give the horse a smile and fix it's eye...otherwise it looked spooky. Not my finest work, but hey, it gets the point across, right?
A couple of things...
1. I start co-teaching this week. SAY WHAAAT?!
I've been working my buns off for this moment and it's finally here—WHOOP!
2. My life according to Instagram...lately:
All of the above (about) sums it up...my transformation, a quote, the Beebs, travel, and friends!
3. I had a great 4th weekend...it seemed long...especially with 0 gym time. I went on a couple of runs, but you know...I like to and am used to switching it up a bit every day. I felt jiggly and BLEH until last night...when I got my butt kicked at kickboxing and power tone!
I was in the sun all day on the 4th and seemed to have escaped without a single sign of a sunburn. Unreal. That has NEVER happened to me. I was a little bummed...I miss having my lifeguard/golden tan!
4. I apologize for not being up to date. I have piles and piles of laundry and stuff that needs to be cleaned when I get home at night...thus, taking away from blog time. :( (We're getting there!)
5. Beebs celebrated her 3rd birthday last Wednesday! I was sure to spoil her with plenty of treats!
That's all you need to be caught up with me as of now! Have a great week!
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