
Friday, May 8, 2015

10 Reasons Why Graduating College is Awesome

I see a lot of posts about college graduations today! Congrats to you all! It's one of the best things that is going to happen to you at this point in your life! Here is why...

1. Ultimately, being in the "real world" is NOT that bad. Getting paid to do what you've spent the last x amount of years preparing for is actually nice! Even if the job is not what you studied, getting paid plus benefits is amazing!

2. No more of that Sunday tension. I always had this feeling on Sunday' you know what I'm talking about? The feeling that I had so much to do, to prepare for the week, ect. I was overwhelming myself. None of that. Now you can go to bed without having some major homework or project due in the near future. No more homework, which means that once you’re off work, you’re really off work.

3. You are officially a business professional. Saying you're a "college student" gets you a weird rep with anyone outside of the college bubble. I never figured out why until I wasn't in school. There really is no specific reason.

4. With that. You get more respect from adults in the business world, yet they understand you're still in a learning phase. You should always be in a learning phase, but it'll get you the "I just didn't know" pass for a while.

5. IMO, high school graduation was just plain sad. I was not happy about it one bit. I see now that I could've and should've been excited! But at that point in time, it was hard to adjust not being around the 74 other people I had been around for the last 15 years. College graduation is something to be excited about. Treat yourself to something fun. College is tough.
6. No more spending trillions of dollars on tuition every few months. Or on textbooks, for that matter.
7. You don’t have to pack up your entire room and move every summer. Unless you choose to do so...
8. Instead, you make cool new grown-up friends. But keep those college-made friends. They are some of the best! (Shout out to Alyssa, Amanda, Raine, Sam, Erin, Brandon, Meg, and Ryan!
9. Freshman Fifteen? Sophomore Still-Packing-On-The-Pounds? Junior Giant? The real world is considerably healthier than college. Amen!
And last, but NOT least...
10. Duh, no finals.
To be honest, I miss college quite a bit. I called my good friend and old roommate, Alyssa, time and time again right after and even up to a year after I graduated in tears because I missed it so much. My point here, the real world is actually really fun. If you're still in college, have fun. Don't stress. I wish I would've relaxed more and actually enjoyed my 3.5 years in college. I did shortly after turning 21, but the 3 years before that were spent stressed, angry, lost, and completely confused. I am definitely "that person" that wishes she could go back and change a lot of things in college, but they don't cloud my thoughts and they were the reason I am where I am today. And if I would have changed some things, I may not have the wonderful friends that I made in college or the job that lead me to Ames. Congrats to all of the college graduates over the next week+! You definitely are just getting started!

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