
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Night Recap

DISCLAIMER: There is Christmas/holiday talk in this post.

You were warned.

Now, I decorated for the holidays/winter this weekend!

I owned a lot of these decorations from my old apartment that had a gray and gold theme. I painted the glitter deer and dug out some holiday lights that I found during my move to the "new place." (Like last February "new" so almost not new.) I'm huge on GOLD if you couldn't jewelry, gold everything, including Christmas decor. 

I have gotten a few mixed responses to my telling people what I was doing this weekend...HEY now, I'm one of those people that takes down the holiday decor thee day after's depressing.

I didn't have a lot of space to work with surface-wise. But as I danced around the apartment singing "It's The Most Wonderful Time...Of The Year," in a terrible key, I might add, with a chasse and turn here and there, I made it doable. The first photo is on top of a book shelf, the second photo is the coffee table (like the dinky/cheesy lights on the TV touch?), and the third photo is the shoe shelf. 

Saturday was spent relaxing post-decorating and preparing for Project Mayhem at the CrossFit gym. (A pretty tough 2 hour workout sesh. I was dead to the world as soon as I hit the pillow last night. More to come this week.)

But before I hit the pillow, last night was perfect. A light, beautiful snow fall and we were invited out by some friends we haven't seen for a while. We didn't have to go far...since the bar is right down the stairs and to the left of the apartment! We got to catch up and listen to the Best of the 90s. What a treat!

It seems as if winter has arrived. Earlier than usual, if you ask me...but what do I know? I'm no John McLaughlin!

One thing I have enjoyed about this season/weather change is that the City of Ames puts up holiday decor on the light poles (much like my hometown does). And instead of being a good distance away from the lights/decor, there's a lighted (?) SNOWFLAKE right outside our bedroom window!!! Ok, that might be cheesy, but last night as the snow fell ever so lightly, it was so comforting to be in a warm bed watching it fall around the pretty (lit) snowflake.

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