
Monday, November 17, 2014


"All that we are is a result of what we have thought." 

Are there things that really just get you pumped? 

Like so pumped that no matter what you're doing during the day, it flies by because you are just so happy and everything seems to go a million mph?

I've experienced this in different situations lately.

Like, literally, pay day. Pay day. I was so excited to get paid! Even knowing that I was going to have to pay bills didn't hold back my excitement!

Or Christmas. You knew I'd say it. I decorated for Christmas/winter! Hello! SO exciting.

OR...that one thing that you are super passionate about. That one thing that you're not sure if you're good at it or not, but you just really love it.

Well, let me say, you create your excitement. You could be excited about anything you wanted to be. You ALSO choose what to be angry, sad, mad, depressed, annoyed, ect. about/with.

The vibes you give off are what come to you. If you give off excitement/happy vibes, that's what the universe brings to you. If you experience the opposite...that would be a good indicator of the vibes you put off.

So pay attention to the vibes that you put off...if you want goodness and luck to come to you, put off good, exciting vibes.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Night Recap

DISCLAIMER: There is Christmas/holiday talk in this post.

You were warned.

Now, I decorated for the holidays/winter this weekend!

I owned a lot of these decorations from my old apartment that had a gray and gold theme. I painted the glitter deer and dug out some holiday lights that I found during my move to the "new place." (Like last February "new" so almost not new.) I'm huge on GOLD if you couldn't jewelry, gold everything, including Christmas decor. 

I have gotten a few mixed responses to my telling people what I was doing this weekend...HEY now, I'm one of those people that takes down the holiday decor thee day after's depressing.

I didn't have a lot of space to work with surface-wise. But as I danced around the apartment singing "It's The Most Wonderful Time...Of The Year," in a terrible key, I might add, with a chasse and turn here and there, I made it doable. The first photo is on top of a book shelf, the second photo is the coffee table (like the dinky/cheesy lights on the TV touch?), and the third photo is the shoe shelf. 

Saturday was spent relaxing post-decorating and preparing for Project Mayhem at the CrossFit gym. (A pretty tough 2 hour workout sesh. I was dead to the world as soon as I hit the pillow last night. More to come this week.)

But before I hit the pillow, last night was perfect. A light, beautiful snow fall and we were invited out by some friends we haven't seen for a while. We didn't have to go far...since the bar is right down the stairs and to the left of the apartment! We got to catch up and listen to the Best of the 90s. What a treat!

It seems as if winter has arrived. Earlier than usual, if you ask me...but what do I know? I'm no John McLaughlin!

One thing I have enjoyed about this season/weather change is that the City of Ames puts up holiday decor on the light poles (much like my hometown does). And instead of being a good distance away from the lights/decor, there's a lighted (?) SNOWFLAKE right outside our bedroom window!!! Ok, that might be cheesy, but last night as the snow fell ever so lightly, it was so comforting to be in a warm bed watching it fall around the pretty (lit) snowflake.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Quick 2014 Wedding Season Summary

I think I jinxed Iowa. That post about Christmas and winter last week...I mean, winter came quickly wouldn't you say?

Wedding season 2014 is wrapped up and my weekends are officially available. Weird. Except for a few here and there (Hi, Herbalife!!!). I'm sure Beebs will appreciate it. But it's a little bittersweet for 2014 to be coming to a close for me. I got to spend a lot of time with people that I don't get to see that often. Four friends that got married and have lives of their own, and I was lucky enough to have a part in all of them. I am so thankful for that. It's tough to get together with friends as you get older. One of my friends and her new hubby are starting a family, too! How exciting! Here's a quick summary of what went down from July to this past weekend!

I am still in awe of how beautiful and uniquely different each one of them was. I am so impressed with how all four of them handled any stress or obstacles that were thrown their way.

And I'm very thankful for how supportive and patient Collin was during all of the "long" weekends I had and attending some of the weddings with a great and fun attitude (as he always does)! :)

Cheers to an amazing 2014 spent with amazing friends and family and celebrating the "bringing together" of two families! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekend Recap

And there it was. Thee last wedding of 2014 for me!

Saturday morning started off with coffee from Starbucks and getting our hair done.

From there, my favorite part, was getting our make up done! Airbrushed! This small shop is located in Downtown Des Moines. I absolutely loved the amazing job they did on all of us!

Followed by some photos done by thee awesome Justin Meyer (, the ceremony, and post ceremony photos. 

We found our way back to the hotel to catch our shuttle. In the mean time, toasting to the bride & grooms dogs. <3 

The rest of the night was spent dancing, laughing, photo bombing, and watching some elders bust a serious move!

I ended the weekend with a workout and photo shoot with the gym I am a member of with other members and a birthday party for a good friend of mine and Collin's.

I fell out of this multiple times before we got a good shot.
Some of the members that came for the photo shoot. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thanks for this, Pinterest!

It seems like, day to day, I have a hard time getting my brain going for a blog topic. I make myself start thinking about random things, "quickly" look over Pinterest to see if I feel anything. Today, I searched for photos that "make you feel something." There were so many to choose from!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Being With Someone Awesome

10 things I have learned being in a relationship with a hard working, successful human.

I have my fair share of "lessons learned" in the past. I'm grateful for the things I learned in those situations. But ever since meeting Collin, I have not only become better as a human being, I have been tested on a whole different level of being someones "other half."

There are 10 things I that completely stick out to me of what to practice when you are with someone that you really are wanting and willing to be with for the long haul.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have my days, and I know he does too, where my patience and sanity are tested...I cry, I get quiet (weird), I sigh, I stick my face in a pillow and count to ten. I am no love or relationship expert, but the things I have learned are really something that have made this relationship so much more different and so much BETTER.

Anyways... read up, folks. Put these 10 things into your relationship and see what happens.

Eat Together
Offer to cook for your significant other. Especially when you know they've had a long, busy day. Sit down at a TABLE and eat. Avoid the couch or recliner. Face eachother. Ask about their day, talk about something random like if you were given 7 days to travel anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?

Develop Their (Healthy) Habits
If they smile and have energy towards other: smile and have energy towards others. If they eat healthy meals, eat healthy meals. If they work hard, work hard. If they turn negatives into positives, turn negatives into positives. Seriously, they notice if you don't practice the same (healthy) habits that they do.

Compliment Them
Get over if they don't compliment you enough. Tell them they look good in their (BKE) jeans. (Heller Collin's booty in BKE jeans.) Tell them you're proud of them for finishing a project, getting a new position at work, for how hard they work to provide, or that you love them so much because they do something they love. They deserve it. The human brain is more likely to relax and release endorphins when hearing praise from a loved one. Oh, and don't forget to accept their compliments. If they say you look great, say thank you. Confidence. It's awesome.

Workout Together
This is one I am confident will strengthen a relationship. Now, one of the two of you will probably be better at some things than the other. But your significant other seeing you work hard will give them an extra boost to step it up. Or vice versa. If they work hard in a workout, try to keep hard! Smile. High five each other. Give them a knuckle pound.

Shut Up & Listen
I've been on both sides of this. Just let them talk. Vent. Whatever. Listen to everything until they ask you a question or are done and you know that they are done. Ask questions, try to stay neutral in the situation and try to understand what the real problem may be. It might not even be a problem. Maybe they're so excited about something. Smile, nod your head, listen! Be excited for them and let them know.

Avoid Raising Your Voice
Ladies, listen up. Raising your voice to a man automatically builds the fastest brick, steel, titanium wall EVER. Ever. Ever. They shut down. They stop listening. They're so fixated that you're mad/upset that they don't process words. I believe it's a natural thing. I'm sure this happens to some ladies, too. But in all honesty, ladies, we know we get more upset than men do. That doesn't mean you should write off this tip, guys. Ladies are more likely to get more upset if you raise your voice back. I know that a few times when I've started to do it and C kept calm, I ended up feeling silly and the situation was done and over with so fast just because he was so calm and collected. Seriously...try it.

Keep It Simple
Tell them exactly what you want. Don't change your mind. If you know you're going to change your mind, don't say anything at all.Tell them good morning, you love them, have a great day...text them short wishes at random times of the day. Pick up their favorite meal unexpectedly. Stick to the basics.

If They Forget, Forgive

They know if they forget something you're not going to be happy. They don't expect you to be understanding. Being understanding wins them over more than their guilt and "making up for it" will.

If They're Doing Better Than You, Re-evaluate
Working out, diet, work, business, money, reading...whatever it may be, if you're other half is doing better than you...And by better than you, I mean getting somewhere faster than you or getting a better outcome than you (and it's one that you want)...recheck what you're doing. Your habits, your language, how much sleep are you getting? Praise their success and progress! It starts with you!

Be Thankful
Humans seem to forget that being able to wake up every morning is something to be thankful for. Seriously, be glad you woke up this morning. That you could see. That you could hear. Smell. Hug your significant other. Be thankful for your place in life--where you can do whatever you want with it. Be thankful that you have the ability to understand, forgive, and receive forgiveness. Life is short, no matter how long you live, it's never long enough.

So, in all, I am thankful for someone that has definitely been beyond patient with me. Someone who has shown me how to be a better human being, daughter, sister, friend, and significant other. These weren't easy tasks, so don't think these happen without work, but they do happen with consistency.

Thank you, Collin. <3

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"Fuller, easy on the Pepsi!"

I am a total Summer Girl. I absolutely love the hot weather, sun, smell of sunscreen, wearing shorts, flip flops, cute dresses, ect.

I find myself dreading the colder weather. Like wake me up when April ends, right? 

Anyways, I know I really shouldn't dread the winter months, because...well, I live in Iowa. It's coming no matter what!

Here are my list of things that I do LOVE about winter:

1. Scarves!
2. Snuggling
3. Michael Buble's Christmas CD!
4. Christmas lights (decorations count here, too)
5. The stillness around Christmas when you walk outside at night after a light snow
6. The nights that it snows and I have nowhere to go!
7. Hot cocoa
8. Mittens
9. Boots!
10. Looking forward to Spring!
11. Spending time with family around the holidays
12. Shopping for Christmas gifts
13. The hustle and bustle of December
14. Christmas music
15. Home Alone I and II are usually on every weekend (WHOOP!)
16. My mom is ridiculously brilliant at decorating her Christmas Tree
17. (Seriously guilty pleasure alert!) Canada Dry's Diet Cranberry Soda...OMG.
18. Rocking my leather jackets
19. I feel less awkward about not being tan.
20. Less likely to be hot in black clothes :)
21. Every other Christmas movie that's on! I could make a whole separate list of those! :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Upside Down Cat Tricks

What a weekend it was!

Friday was spent working and drawing a cat face on my face on the way to CrossFit. Doing this, I realized all of the weird quirks I've acquired as an artist. Shakey hands being one thing. I remember watching my Drawing I & II professor in college...whenever he tried to stay steady his hands would shake and he would roll his wrists and crack them. Insert me doing the exact same thing while at a stop light drawing my cat whiskers on. Or maybe it was just all of the overhead exercises we did last week.

Per the photo above: remember last week when I was talking about constantly picking out my "flaws" or things that bothered me about myself? Yeah, well I had Collin take this picture. As soon as I saw it, I went through a list of things that drove me crazy about it. Like, since lifting more and eating a different amount of food, my lats (back rib muscles) have gotten ridiculously bigger. I've always had a hard time fitting into dresses because of my large rib cage. I believe this photo says it all. They really have gotten (even) bigger. I have a hard time trying to find a confident "happy." This is something I plan to definitely develop a better outlook on.

Now, my legs? They barely fit into my jeans anymore. (Is Lulu Lemon open yet?! They seem to be the only pants that fit somewhat normally :P)

This, I am pretty hatefully happy about. I am very pleased to have strong looking legs. Continuing to work on my leg strength has helped me astronomically in the gym of course, but more importantly, in every day tasks. Balancing down my long flight of stairs from my apartment with bags, balance in general, core work, bending down to get something with my hands full, ect.

I spent Friday night relaxing with Collin and watching a guilty pleasure of ours: Sons of Anarchy. I probably spent a majority of the time dozing off--I am my mothers daughter. Saturday morning started off with sleeping in. Now, sleeping in to us is until 7:30 or 8:00. It's a BIG DEAL! We're awake at 4:45 on week days. We spent the morning tweeking Collin's website I recently created. My mom's birthday was on Friday so we spent the day Saturday with my sister, aunt, and cousin in Des Moines. My sister and I were the final two standing Saturday night. I shouldn't even say standing...I biffed it in the middle of a restaurant...I bounced up as fast as I fell. And usually when I trip, I laugh until I cry with humility.