
Thursday, October 30, 2014

National Cat Day

Did you know that it was National Cat Day yesterday?!

Did you also know that it was National Oatmeal Day, too?! Jeesh, throw a national Cinnamon Day in with that and you would've been able to call that Mollie's Favorite Day of the Year!

I certainly celebrated last night with a big plate of broccoli and eggs. (Hello Zone come in a later blog, I'm sure.) I somehow snagged Beebs long enough to get my phone and have her take a very flattering picture (of her) with me.

She was obviously in "cheese" mode.

Now, I know that a lot...a loooot of people aren't cat fans and they continue to make fun of people who are. I'm an "all animals" type of person, but cats have a particularly special place in my heart.

Especially Beebs. I adopted her, what is coming up on, 3 years ago. She was there for me when I first moved to Ames & was super lonely, through tough times with previous relationships, and makes me laugh when I need it most...she always knows when I'm not feeling well or am sad.

She almost always comes to visit me when I'm going to the "bathroom." And always lets me know when she's out of food by meowing (she has thee softest meow) and swatting my legs as I walk by.

At night, she waits until Collin is pretty much asleep and comes up and cuddles on the other side of me. She doesn't stay all night unless Collin isn't there so she can have her own side of the bed. But as soon as the alarm goes off, and if we don't get up right away, she's walking all over us to get us to shut it off!

She also likes:

Dresser drawers

Doing gymnastics while laying on the floor with her paws touching something (couch, chair, my 6 Pack Bag, ect.)

Cheese...any type of cheese

Corn Chips



Doing hot laps


Long naps in Mr. Collin's spot


Sleeping upside down

Rubbing her face on my computer screen

Walking across my computer as I'm working

Strings to any piece of clothing

Plastic bags

Gift bows

Anything with a bell

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