I am ready to close the book of 2013. It was a roller coaster of a year. My friend, Anna, told me to check out my "Year In Review" on Facebook today, so I did. I can't believe all of the things I have overcome, the people that have come and gone [and stayed], my transformation physically and emotionally, and best of all having 0 regrets. It's not that my motto is YOLO or that I should live with no regrets, but rather learn and become better from the things I went/go through.
Back to YOU messaging me and leaving comments. I have quite a few of you say how inspired you have been. If you could see me in person now, just imagine me making a slight head bow in gratitude. YOU are one of the reasons I find the goodness in goal-setting and achieving. The world is full of negativity and pessimism and it's a lovely thing to be able to see the good that people do and encouraging is still out there.
You can do anything you want in this world. It will take hard work, but as I told someone yesterday, try to do two things:
- Find your "Happy Place" (Mine is on a beach in Bora Bora...or over-looking the Las Vegas Strip) :) & Think happy thoughts! See the opportunity in every SINGLE THING.
- It may hurt, burn, or be completely exhausting, but NEVER give up.
While I was talking to Anna today, I realized that I have fallen in love with myself this past year. I never knew this was possible! It is SUCH a great feeling. If you have never fallen in love with yourself, I encourage you to try to find habits and reasons to. An example everyone can take for themselves is "hiding" or deleting negativity on social media. Trust me, logging on to social media and seeing happy posts, photos, articles, ect. is refreshing. VERY refreshing.
So here is to closing this book. And my top moments of 2013. Enjoy! And may you open the next book with positivity and optimism...find opportunity in everything.
1. Traveling to a city I would have never traveled to if it were my choice. Total surprise & I loved it.
2. Meeting and surrounding myself with the right people
3. Spending more time with friends
4. Discovering my love for health and fitness & becoming a fitness instructor
5. Traveling & experiencing life (again)
6. Concerts with my sister
7. Celebrating another year at Race For The Cure
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