I can't say this week has been the best experience. I went home Monday around 3pm because I felt exhausted and had a sore throat. With intentions on getting a doctor's appointment the next day, I went to the gym Monday and felt OK. I figured maybe I just caught my infamous cold bug and was seeing signs of that.
Turns out it was strep throat. I went to the doctor Tuesday morning. I have been in and out of hot and cold flashes. My body can't find a happy medium. The second I take a blanket or my sweatshirt off because I'm so hot, I'm freezing. Of course.
I found myself spiraling down a very sad path the last few days. I woke up today feeling a little better and more hopeful. Missing out on the gym has really killed me. Literally! I feel flabby and less energetic (of course).
Throughout this week, I had many different people tell me to eat this or drink that (which all the ideas sounded delicious, but they weren't exactly the most healthy of choices). I can remember times when I was sick with different illnesses and I DID eat food that was healthy or drank drinks that were high in sugar, ect. Sure there was a temptation to make this illness an excuse for me to cheat on my healthy eating and gym habits.
Something told me not to. That it wasn't such a good idea. I remember that I never felt the best coming out of an illness when I did eat comfort food or drank those "comfort" drinks.
I certainly thought I did a splendid job this week sticking with my goals...even with missing my normal gym dates. :(
Monday...I stuck with liquids. Protein shakes and a beverage mix—made by Herbalife. The only thing I ate that was solid that day was toast with PB2. (Because of the uncomfortable sore throat I had.)
Tuesday...the gradual build of this stupid strep throat business...I stuck mostly with liquids due to the fact that I was afraid to even clear my throat or swallow my spit because it hurt so bad. Protein shakes, beverage mixes, and my lovely boyfriend whipped up some PDM (Protein Drink Mix—chocolate) hot chocolate for me. He used the chocolate protein, a little almond milk (unsweetened), and water. It was really good. <----This is the day 1 of a ridiculous temp.
Wednesday...I was feeling "ok". More liquids...protein shake, plenty of water, and tea. The only thing close to "unhealthy" that I let myself eat this week was Chicken Noodle Soup. And was it worth it. The warm broth really comforted my entire body...including my throat. <---- Temp 2 showed up shortly after eating the soup.
Thursday...the peak of my strep throat's rash. Now, if you've never seen or had this before, Google strep throat symptoms or even Scarlet fever rash. That will sum it up for you. My throat felt much better, I could tell there was still a little bit hanging out, but I wasn't miserable. I did feel hot and achey throughout the entire day. Concerned of what the heck was taking over my body (skin). I started the day off with a protein shake, followed by the Beverage Drink Mix, and warm pasta with tomato sauce for lunch, another protein shake, and then grilled chicken, roasted (baby) potatoes sautéed in olive oil, garlic, and parsley, green beans, and carrots. <----Temp 3 was hanging out when I woke up...hence the exhaustion and soreness.
I think that my habits were really put to the test this week. Obviously, I couldn't control the gym because, had I gone to the gym, I would have been weak, possibly gotten someone else sick, or caused the rash to flare. That was a tough setback to overcome, but I'm hoping that it will inspire more determination when I do get back at it.
As far as food habits, I think I did fairly well. Plenty of protein and the things my body probably lacked and needed to keep running.
I feel good today. If you've never had strep throat before...my goodness, I never wish anyone to get it. Thank you for all who had checked in on me, covered my classes at the gym, and gave me any helpful advice.
I look forward to "getting after it" hopefully this weekend in the gym. I won't overdue it, don't worry. But I do need to get a good, thorough workout in—as much as my body will let me. Don't let setbacks turn into excuses for you to ignore or push over your healthy habits.
Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now!
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