Last week was a bit of a roller coaster. I went home late Monday afternoon with strep, to catch you up. I had strep until late Thursday. In the mean time, the "strep throat" part wasn't the biggest of my worries. It was the rash that came with it. My body was covered in red, itchy bumps. They began to travel on my body and get even bigger as they did that.
The rash subsided yesterday (finally). I am happy to say that there is only a little bit left on my arms. Sooooo my point being, go to the doctor if you're feeling sick and take care of yourself! I was lucky to have recovered in the fast amount of time that I did.
Life according to my Instagram...
It has transformed into a health & fitness Instagram. Exciting for me!
Photos left to right (top to bottom):
- Sam's Club run= LOTS of [healthy] food! Food is fuel, people!
- A 4 month progress photo of myself (July–Now)
- Mrs. Dash saves the day again! Cut up sweet potato baked at 425* for 40 minutes
- My Polar watch. Burned 1,000+ cals on Monday night teaching kickboxing and taking a power tone class.
- Beautiful Iowa sunset
- My goofy boyfriend...showing me how cool I would look actually flexing vs. how I try to flex (in my tank top)
- Protein balls! (Herbalife F1 and PDM with oatmeal and honey!)
- Weights. Self explanitory
- Quest Bar = AMAZING
- My boyfriend and guy friend, Dustin...they get a little excited in Express!
- Oatmeal, Almond milk, banana, and chocolate chip pancakes = AMAZING
- T-shirt design for the gym I work at and their fitness challenge!
- Walk into the gym on the weekend and...IT'S EMPTY!
- Flex Till You're Famous – check it out!
- Toast with PB2
- Fajitas!
- Happy birthday, Joshua!
- Mirror leg pic! Progress is priceless!
- Beautiful Stargazer lilies from the BF.
- F1 and PDM and Total Control (metabolism & energy booster)
- Perky Paradise (cherry coconut) shake
- Reppin' the Underarmor
- Another beautiful sunset
- Chipotle veggie bowl
- A bicep progress picture
- Energy boosters after leg day
- April to October progress picture
- Inspirational quote
- My cat...sitting weird :)
- Playing CLUE on a Saturday night!
So there's a little catch up on my life!
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!