
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

3 Reasons Why You Should LOVE Cardio

I have been keeping up with a nutrition, fitness, and beauty blog called Discover Good
I came across this post this morning and thought it suited me very well (I love cardio!). It makes for a good read to anyone who questions their like for cardio or that may need some ways to spark seeing the positives of a cardio workout. Enjoy!


It’s so common to think about what being fit looks like on the outside of your body. The external changes that come as a result of increased physical activity are often the greatest motivational factor that gets people moving. People want to see the results of their hard work on the scale and in the mirror. The thought of a slimmer waist or leaner legs will often get people up off the couch and into the gym, but what if I told you that the true beauty and benefits that fitness provides lie far beneath the surface?
I have a new favorite saying; “get fit from the inside out”. I have said before that external changes in the body happen slowly, while internal changes start happening as soon as you begin effectively exercising. Once you understand that the internal impact of exercise is far more important than any external satisfaction, you will never skip your workout again. 

What happens on the inside when you exercise?

Cardiorespiratory exercise (also known as “cardio”) is simply the term used to describe exercise that works your heart and circulatory system. This system has to work all day every day in order to keep us alive. I describe cardio exercise simply as movement that makes this system work harder. Exercises like running, cycling, and swimming are all great examples of cardio exercises. (OR KICKBOXING...what's up?!) 
In my opinion, cardio should be re-named ‘heart strength training’ because your heart is a muscle (cardiac) and exercise helps to improve your heart’s blood pumping capabilities.  Your heart beats on average 100,000 times a day sending over 2,000 gallons of blood around your body. Every time you increase your heart rate during prolonged cardio exercise your heart has to pump blood at a faster rate.
Let me share with you a few of the great internal benefits that cardio exercise provides.

Three incredible benefits of cardio training

Cardio training benefit 1:  Lower resting heart rate

Your heart has to work harder during exercise and pump blood around your body at a faster rate, so your heart becomes increasingly efficient at pumping blood. This can make your everyday activities seem easier over time. Essentially your heart has to work less to sustain your everyday activities. You can often see this change as a reduced resting heart rate.

Cardio training benefit 2:  Weight loss

When you increase your activity level with cardio exercise your body has to burn extra fuel in order to meet this increased need for energy. Stored fat is the primary fuel source for prolonged cardio exercise. This increased energy expenditure combined with a reduced caloric intake can lead to significant weight loss.

Cardio training benefit 3:  Reduced stress

Cardio exercise promotes the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. This function is often referred to as a ‘runner’s high’ but playing tennis or a simple walk can contribute to this same feeling.
I view cardio exercise as meditation in motion. I often find that once I get moving I forget about the day’s irritations and concentrate instead on my body’s movements. If you aren’t quite convinced that you can make time for a cardio workout – despite the health benefits – then find out how to keep cardio interesting in my 3 surefire cardio-workout boredom busters article.
There are so many reasons you should add a little cardio into your current routine, the most important one being that it’s good for your heart! If you love someone consider inviting him or her to do some cardio with you so they can experience the great heart health benefits too.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

A lot of my changes/progress has come/came from a cardio habit. I am in love with cardio. I don't think I could go without it. I do change it up every now and then, but my cardio habit(s) consist of :

1. Kickboxing (twice a week)
2. Tabatas! (I incorporate these into my kickboxing classes often)
3. Running
4. Walking 

Whether it's trying one of the above, biking, taking the stairs, heading to the pool (indoor now-a-days of course) get some cardio into your workout! It's so beneficial! :)

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