
Friday, September 27, 2013

Lately. And A Realization.

What the heck have I been up to lately? 

Many different things of course...I seem to say yes to anything that is set in front of me. 

Here is a recent freelance project I did for a co-workers daughters birthday. 

How cute! She put the print inside of a folded piece of decorated paper as the envelop and sealed it with pink ribbon, and, of course, a princess wand. :)

 Happy (belated) Birthday, Finley!


On another note...I'd like to think that my self-confidence has made a lot of progress since May. So here's a shout out to that!

I had a recent encounter this last weekend that would have definitely sent my anger or emotions through the roof...before this awesome confidence came along. Let's just say I crossed paths with someone that I would not go out of my way to see anymore. Referring from a previous post, they were one of those "toxic" things in my life that I got rid of.

Before this person and I had our "falling out" they made it very clear that they thought my goals I wanted to reach, and hard work I was doing to get there was simply a joke.


It's funny, a person's reaction to when someone tells us we can't do something. We either get really discouraged or get a "watch me" mentality. I fall under the bring it on and watch me category. There was a time in my life where I did get discouraged and upset about others' doubt. That doesn't matter now.

I've come to realize that when people have doubt in you, they are either 1. trying to spark something in you so you do do what you say (jeez with the "you's and do's"!) or 2. they are jealous and unhappy with themselves or their lives. (More commonly one than the other...I'll let you decide which.) And not that they really don't believe that you can do something.

So think before you react next time...What's their reasoning for doubting you?

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