Happy Monday! I'm back from a crazy busy weekend of working and very little sleep!
I went to a cute boutique in a neighboring town to my hometown over the weekend. I usually skip looking at the little knick-knack stuff...but a certain book caught my eye.
It's basically a book for "20 questions" but 4,000 of them! I spent a lot of my "down time" this weekend reading some of the questions. There are different categories and then some would you rathers, what was the worst _____, what would you do if _____, ect. A majority of the questions I read, I have never thought about. Definitely some good mind and brain exercising. Some questions were deep and brought out certain memories and emotions, and some definitely made me laugh out loud.
Before blogging today, I picked out some questions to answer via blog.
1. Could you sketch your family tree? Unfortunately, no. I could do from my grandparents down on my moms side, as well as my dads. It's something I am very interested in researching.
2. Dress like your parents or act like them? Honestly...I'm pretty sure I act like them in certain ways. Like asking a ton of questions at once or laughing at everything. ...Or possibly my stubbornness. We're working on that! I love the "rainbows" out of my parents...they've done a
superb job on raising me so acting like them isn't a bad thing.
3. What's your favorite thing to put on after work? Simple...workout clothes.
4. Is it possible to live with no regrets? I know this a common statement made by many...or now-a-days known as "YOLO." (Insert my scowl) But, I think there is at least one thing that everyone can say they regret doing. It's a matter of how we change it from happening again and learn from the situation. Then you can consider a learning experience instead of a regret.
5. What worries you the most? I try not to worry about my worries...see what I did there? Anyways...what I worry about is losing my parents/close family/friends, losing my job (which usually doesn't exactly cross my mind a lot), and losing my eye sight just to name a few.
6. Are you jealous of other people's success? Some time ago I would have said yes, without hesitating. Over the past year, I've learned to embrace others success. Incorporating their success into my life and help build myself as a better person. I'm a much happier person accepting and celebrating others' success then sitting around and stewing about it and how it didn't happen to me. Happy people make me happy!
7. Have the power to fly or disappear? Such a toughy! I was just talking about this with some friends last week...although flying would be pretty sweet...I think disappearing takes the cake!
8. What are some things that make you happy? (As above) Happy people, exercising, traveling, overcoming challenges, and spending time with friends and family. And I absolutely LOVE dancing and miss it so much! Oh...and my cat! :)
9. What is a behavior you cannot abide? Rudeness or negativity/self-pity. I have come to have a 0 tolerance for these two things. Whether it's from myself or someone else. If it is me that's doing either of those things, I try to correct it instantly. If it's someone else, I will respond with kindness...if they don't catch on...I'm done.
10. What transitions in your life have taught you the most?
- Growing up with two families (I'm very thankful for this!)
- It's not necessarily a transition, but being on my high schools dance team helped me grow as a person and developed my confidence—having to perform in front of thousands of people
- Moving away to college right after high school...adjusting to change (BIG change)
- Different jobs I had throughout my younger years (lifeguard, server, bartender, babysitter, ect.)
- Moving to a different town, where I didn't know anyone, to work after college
- Surrounding myself with people that are positive and supportive instead of pessimistic and toxic
And just to spice things up...I'll throw in another...
11. What is the most bizarre/surreal thing you have ever seen? Besides the super infected rabbit I saw last weekend...I'm going to go a different route with this.
Growing up in the midwest, I've seen my fair share of fields, farms, and snow. Although, I don't consider these things a bad thing, the places I've traveled have really been breathtaking. The mountains in Colorado, the bluest and most beautiful sea life in Cozumel, the lights and luxury of Las Vegas, the vintageness (I don't think that's a word) of New Orleans, and the history of Philedelphia...it's all so surreal in a way to me. I've loved every experience and would consider those moments the most confident answer to this question. Hopefully, some day, I can add Italy, Greece, and Australia to the list.
Have a great Monday! I have a short week...Vegas on Friday! :)