
Thursday, March 28, 2013

1 Year Anniversary!

This post was supposed to be for yesterday...but due to weird internet connection and working my tushy off to get a project done, it didn't happen so there may be a double whammy today! :)

Happy anniversary/birthday(?)/adoption day (1 year later) to my little nugget!

Left: photo taken at the shelter (very malnourished)
Top right: (yoga kitty) sleeping on clean clothes!
Middle right: again, sleeping on a pair of jeans
Bottom right: I'm not even sure how I got her to do that face!

A year ago, I made the decision to adopt a cat (I have been trying to do so since I moved out of my parents' house!). I went into the shelter every day for 4–5 days…When you walk into the room with all these cats, they’re rubbing on the cage, basically asking you to come scratch them and take them home. There was one that caught my eye…that didn’t even come from the back of the cage to get attention.

Beebs. *of course, this wasn’t her “shelter” name…I didn’t like the one she came with*

Each cat has a card on his or her cage, saying how long they’ve been in the shelter, male/female, age, why they’re there…ect. This cat had been there the longest…I could barely let myself think what happens when they’re there for a long amount of time and no one wants to adopt them. This cat had a particular sign on her cage that stated that she was not to be around other animals or kids. No wonder everyone snubbed her. Poor thing. But wait…I don’t have any other pets or kids (that’s fo sho)!

You’re supposed to ask permission to get the cats out. I definitely skipped over that direction and picked her up. The way she looked at me…I’m positive she hadn’t been out of the cage for anything besides exams. I quickly placed her back into the cage.  Checking on her every day for that amount of time…I said something to one of the ladies at the shelter, who quickly cut me off before I could finish, that “you don’t want her…she’s a bitch.” Whoa.

A day later, I came in to sign the adoption papers and was greeted by another employee who said good things about her and told me to be patient.

And one year later, here we are! BEEBS!

Facts about her:
1. She looooves treats (and begs like a dog)
2. She loves her fluffy, red blanket
3. She's obsessed and always has to be touching the ottoman
4. Clean clothes? Don't mind her if she does!
5. She needs clean water every morning (high maintenance much?)
6. She chirps
7. She's a ninja (just ask my door frame)
8. She's a gymnast (cartwheels and summer salts)
9. She guards the bathroom door while you're in the shower or using the throne
10. She has her own chair at the dinner table :)

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