
Thursday, March 28, 2013

1 Year Anniversary!

This post was supposed to be for yesterday...but due to weird internet connection and working my tushy off to get a project done, it didn't happen so there may be a double whammy today! :)

Happy anniversary/birthday(?)/adoption day (1 year later) to my little nugget!

Left: photo taken at the shelter (very malnourished)
Top right: (yoga kitty) sleeping on clean clothes!
Middle right: again, sleeping on a pair of jeans
Bottom right: I'm not even sure how I got her to do that face!

A year ago, I made the decision to adopt a cat (I have been trying to do so since I moved out of my parents' house!). I went into the shelter every day for 4–5 days…When you walk into the room with all these cats, they’re rubbing on the cage, basically asking you to come scratch them and take them home. There was one that caught my eye…that didn’t even come from the back of the cage to get attention.

Beebs. *of course, this wasn’t her “shelter” name…I didn’t like the one she came with*

Each cat has a card on his or her cage, saying how long they’ve been in the shelter, male/female, age, why they’re there…ect. This cat had been there the longest…I could barely let myself think what happens when they’re there for a long amount of time and no one wants to adopt them. This cat had a particular sign on her cage that stated that she was not to be around other animals or kids. No wonder everyone snubbed her. Poor thing. But wait…I don’t have any other pets or kids (that’s fo sho)!

You’re supposed to ask permission to get the cats out. I definitely skipped over that direction and picked her up. The way she looked at me…I’m positive she hadn’t been out of the cage for anything besides exams. I quickly placed her back into the cage.  Checking on her every day for that amount of time…I said something to one of the ladies at the shelter, who quickly cut me off before I could finish, that “you don’t want her…she’s a bitch.” Whoa.

A day later, I came in to sign the adoption papers and was greeted by another employee who said good things about her and told me to be patient.

And one year later, here we are! BEEBS!

Facts about her:
1. She looooves treats (and begs like a dog)
2. She loves her fluffy, red blanket
3. She's obsessed and always has to be touching the ottoman
4. Clean clothes? Don't mind her if she does!
5. She needs clean water every morning (high maintenance much?)
6. She chirps
7. She's a ninja (just ask my door frame)
8. She's a gymnast (cartwheels and summer salts)
9. She guards the bathroom door while you're in the shower or using the throne
10. She has her own chair at the dinner table :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Catch up Monday!

Let's be honest...

I was not excited to wake up to this last bit (hopefully!) of snow this morning. Usually, I try to be optimistic about Mondays...back to work and my normal workout schedule (my shows on after the gym: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Dancing w/the Stars, Teen Mom 2...ect.) But not today, I am at the front of the struggle bus! *while the snow is melting* :)

Many things to catch up on/reminisce from the weekend...sleep included.

1. I created a bachelor/ette party invite for a couple I know. *my first design post...HOLLA!* I enjoy doing freelance because I get to do my own thing...or what the customer wants, creatively.

'Til Death Do Us Part(y)!

I really enjoyed making these... I am also doing this couples wedding invites, RSVPs, and programs. This is my first time doing wedding design. So far, so good! *I will post the invites, RSVPs, and programs as soon as they are printed and I can take pictures of the real thing! She has printed them off and is pleased with their turn out (whew!). When I was getting to the end of my college career, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get into freelance. I'm not sure what finally clicked but since being in the "real world" I have been so anxious to do matter what it, business identity, graduation invites...any form of print design (that includes t-shirts too!). I have been (for a while now) trying to really push my web skills...we'll get there. :)

2. Does anyone else (or any women) have a semi-cluttered (or ridiculously cluttered) purse?! My gosh...I spent some time with friends Friday night and all of the receipts from throughout the weekend are haunting me! Crumbled pieces of paper, reminding me of how much I spent. UGH! (it was fun though!) Random pairs of earrings, buttons (wtf?), bobby pins, ect. I really need to get organized with that thing!

3. Wrestling and basketball games all weekend! Not to mention I worked at my parents' bar that night.

4. A good friends bridal games and a chocolate fountain!!! I can't wait until her wedding in Okoboji this summer!

Overall, it was a pretty good weekend. I can't complain and should really learn to embrace the beginning of the week more often!

Friday, March 22, 2013


Happy Friday!

I totally spaced out posting yesterday, but rest days are good...right? (gym reference...)

So since Wednesday's post, there's something I crossed off my "never done" list.

Wednesday's are always a struggle to get myself to the gym. Middle of the week...just want a nap, I have no shows that I need to stay up for (CSI: Las Vegas every now and then). Well believe it or not, I was pretty pumped to hit the gym Wednesday. I have classes that I attend every other day of the week and usually do my own work out on Wednesdays. There is a Power Step class offered at my gym (which is flippin' difficult!) that I've gone to when I'm in the mood, but it's not my absolute favorite.

I was jammin' out (to a Dubstep song, I'm sure) when my kickboxing instructor walked by and asked if I was going to step. I replied with a, "yeeeahh...I don't know, I can't decide." She told me she was teaching and I grabbed my stuff and followed her. I walked into the class as she announced she wasn't going to teach step today...but something called Tabata.


I quickly Googled it on my phone and briefly read a "What is Tabata?" article. Oh...stations that focus on different aspects of working out (cardio, abs, agility, blah blah blah). No biggie...we do stations in one of my other cardio classes.

After warming up, the instructor proceeds to show us what to do at each station. And that you do 20 seconds on and 10 second rests 8x's.

...Let me tell ya...I started at the push up/dip station and ended at the jumping lunge station. Nowhere in these 8–10 stations is there time to completely chill. They were rough, but totally worked on parts that I don't normally hit during my regular routine. Let's just say that when I went to kickboxing last night, my hammy's were a little sore...knee pulls and kicks were under par.
Want to know more about it? Google it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Happy first day of Spring!

This means many things (for me) birthday (in a little over a week), being able to run outside without being a wimp and getting ear aches (add a runny nose to that), Easter (sup Reese's eggs?!), bright colors (clothes, decorations, flowers, ect.), grilling, sidewalk chalk with my nieces, rollerblading!, walking out of the gym without having to put a coat on...and eventually flip flops!

A new season means I need to do some decorating. I feel like I'm not home as much as I used to be to get all of the fine details of my I'm going to show off my mom's skills and cute ideas I've found on Pinterest.

How tempting?! (Pinterest)

My mom has always been detail-oriented (I get this from her)...she fine tunes everything in a specific room. Recently, she purchased a new couch and recliner for the living room. Of course, with Spring right around the corner, things she has collected from different places have come in handy to accent her new furniture. I mean...someone convince an HGTV show to hire her! Here are some photos...

Living room (Courtesy of my momma)
The lamps in the back? Yeah...she made them. (Pottery Barn inspired)
The fish scale picture on the left...she made that too! Circle cut outs from paint samples!

Ottoman (Courtesy of my momma)
Those books? Dollar Tree (She peeks under the covers to get the colors she likes/wants!)
Cute, white jar? Thrift store ($2)!
Bunny for Easter coming up? Thrift store ($5)!

More Pinterest findings:

I have one of these on my deck...stay tuned! (Pinterest)

Cute idea w/vintage frame (from Pinterest)

There are just so many ideas and pictures to mom is always coming up with new things and does a lot of repurposing. (Stay tuned...yet again!) 
Can the weather start cooperating now? I've got Spring fever! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



My name is Mollie McGrath…If you hear or see “ Amelia” >That would be my real name. I won’t go into detail. Just go by Mollie or Amelia. (read my bio!)

I’ve always wanted to do a blog since my mind is at "Mach Speed" every day about different things. My friend, Stef, simply inspired me to start. She has her very own “fashionista”, every day happenings blog. 

You can follow her here! (It's fantastic!)

I guess this is the week to start something since all my friends are on SB in beautiful, fun places. As for me, I’ll be soaking in the quietness of the gym and tanning salon. 

I'll try to keep my posts interesting and as far as with me, I'm new to the blog biz!!!

Thanks & enjoy!