πFood for thought:
• Kylie Jenner releases a lip gloss, and people buy it.
• Michael Jordan puts out a new shoe, and people buy it.
• Matthew McConaughey is the spokesman for a car, and people want it.
• Apple releases a new phone, and people stand in line for it.
• One Direction releases a perfume, and it becomes viral on social media.
But when a friend or family member starts a new business people are wary of supporting it.
What's happening? Why are we so quick to support someone we don't know? Yet, we come up with a million reasons to not support someone we know and love.
(All while contributing to a CELEBRITY'S ENDLESS BANK ACCOUNT.)
So, the next time you see a friend posting about their business, give them a quick like, comment, or share & help spread the word.
**You don't even have to buy the product** but it will help them gain more exposure for their business terms simple "like" really does help!
I have always made an effort to support those around me. I love all sorts of products from different direct sales companies and could probably point you in the direction based on my experience with them in any direction you're looking to go!
Want a long lasting lip color? I got it! What brighter, more clear skin, or to get rid of those wrinkles? I know a girl. Want to know the best bronzer, IMO? I know someone who can get it for you. Best weight loss products while still eating healthy? I can definitely point you in the direction. Brighter/plaqueless teeth? Duh, I can hook you up! Need some cute jewelry for yourself or for a gift? I know someone who can do that for you!
There are so many opportunities out there. Support the people you know. It comes with a lot of hard work. Direct sales and starting your own business is NOT, and I really mean NOT, easy!
I'd rather support someone's business (that I know), who is putting their kids through dance or baseball, or just supporting themselves than a corporate business who is always getting $ and may not have the best return policy.
Hats off to all entrepreneurs and start ups!