March is my FAVORITE! Absolute, fav.or.ite! Not to mention my birthday ends the month, but the weather definitely gets me excited. (Hopefully) No more of this terrible, stabbing coldness!
I have a lot to catch you up on! First being, that you already know Mr. Collin has become a Realtor. He taught me how to pronounce it correctly yesterday...since I will help him with his business, I think I need to know how to say it right, right? REAL-TOR not Real-a-ter. Ms. Lilly would be proud.

I caught him working hard last Friday. I'm used to him constantly talking to customers/clients on the phone, but add in being a REAL-TOR, and this is a whole new level. But I've learned it's what makes him so happy, and he is SO good at it that I love listening to his energy and how he interacts with all types of people. Excuse my cheesy face.

Then I bring you, Saturday. What a day it was! I had a blast! My good friend Kristen, gave me a little hair cut! AH! Yes, so short, so new, and I don't regret it. My long hair was getting too........dull? I don't know, but this look is for sure what I needed heading into Spring and Summer.

That night, we were invited to the Boys & Girls Club of Story County Gala. Now, if you didn't know, a Gala is a fancy name for a fancy party/fundraiser. And it was just that! Fancy food, fancy drinks, wine, cheese and bread, ect. Not to mention, two of my favorite places to be on earth were recognized for their donations!

Selfies are cool...? I couldn't seem to rotate my arms enough so you could see my braid!

Sunday was spent cleaning, meal prepping, and then we had our Herbalife Wellness Coach Graduation and Holiday Party!

And, then there was this...
Thank you for being funny, Collin. :)